World War 2

  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of national socilaist party or, nazi party

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of national socilaist party or, nazi party
    during time period many germans were still angry over world war 1. Hitler founded the idea of becoming a master race, and leaned toward anti-sematic groups such as jews.during great depression Hitler popularity grew
  • Period: to


  • Mussolini elected primne minister and created first facist state in Italy

    Mussolini elected primne minister and created first facist state in Italy
    banned freedom of the press,political parties, and critics were jailed and murdered.
  • Josef Stalin was sole dictator of soviet union and created a totalitarian state

    Josef Stalin was sole dictator of soviet union and created a totalitarian state
    a single party government was created and controlled all aspects of civilian life.
  • Japans army siezes Manchuria, china

    Japans army siezes Manchuria, china
    japan attacks china without approval of government no one took action and millions of civilians and prisoners were killed.
  • Hitler named Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler named Chancellor of Germany
    once elected into Chancellor, Hitler soon created a totalitarian state. Secret police of Hilter enforced strict loyalty of Nazi party.
  • Mussolini and the Italian army invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini and the Italian army invades Ethiopia
    Italians attacked with modern weaponry and technologies and without help from League of Nations fell to Mussolini and his army.
  • Neutrality Act passed by US congress

    Neutrality Act passed by US congress
    US didnt want to get entagled in Foreign Affairs, this banned all arms and ammunition shipment to involved countries, and governemental control of industry for six months.
  • Hitler sends troops to rhineland of Germany in violation of versailles treaty.

    Hitler sends troops to rhineland of Germany in violation of versailles treaty.
    with building army Hitler send troops to rhineland and nothing is done to stop it.
  • Militarist take control of Japaese Government

    Militarist take control of Japaese Government
    Many Japanese in the military, politics, etc were descendant or ex-SamuraI, and believed Japanese Government was threatened by Western-Imperialism which really drove the Japan culture to make a big Military and attack Western countries
  • Nanjing pillaged by Japanese and massacre a quarter a million people

    Nanjing pillaged by Japanese and massacre a quarter a million people
    Mass murder and rape, a six-week period in the China capital, hundreds of thousand Chinese civilians murdered.
  • Nazi troops soon began gathering Jews and sending them to slave labor camps.

    Nazi troops soon began gathering Jews and sending them to slave labor camps.
    Once Hitler and the Nazi party really began gaining alot of power, jews and other groups bagan to be sent to slave concerntration camps were they were often beaten and killed.
  • Munich Pact signed giving Sudetenland to Germany

    Munich Pact signed giving Sudetenland to Germany
    france, britian, and other leaders met in Munich, Germany. An appeasment was finalised. hitler wanted czechoslovakia, but European leaders didnt want that so it was agreed that they could have Sudetenland a portion of czechoslovakia
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin

    Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin
    A non- Aggression Pact that stated neither Germans nor the USSR would declare war on each other nor would they ally or aid an enemy of another party.
  • Nazis invade Poland.

    Nazis invade Poland.
    Britain, and France have no choice but to go to war. efforts to prevent war were tsaken but all Hitlers actions must lead to war.
  • Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, luxembourg, and Belguim are invaded by Nazis and take control.

    Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, luxembourg, and Belguim are invaded by Nazis and take control.
    with such power from Nazis ,Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, luxembourg, and Belguim are overtaken and Nazis gain control
  • Germany invades France and forces them to surrender.

    Germany invades France and forces them to surrender.
    Germans invade France, Allied troops of france and Britain are pushed back and during first assault of the Germans, "case yellow" and Britain decide to withdraw from French lines. Germans launch another attack that overwhelms French forces. Soon taken over, France signs Armistice with Germany.
  • First time Peacetime draft in US

    First time Peacetime draft in US
    Reguired men from 21-35 to register for the draft to go to into World War 2.
  • Battle of Britain- Royal Air Force defeats German AIr Force to prevent invasion of their Island

    Battle of Britain- Royal Air Force defeats German AIr Force to prevent invasion of their Island
    Occured after the Battle of France, Germans plan to bomb Political impotance and force an Armistice. Germans fail to succed and is marked as the Nazis first Defeat.
  • FDR and Churchill issue the atlantic charter

    FDR and Churchill issue the atlantic charter
    a statement issued in WW2 that stated the common principles of ones national policies to build a better future.
  • Japanese invade French Indochina

    Japanese invade French Indochina
    German control led to the japanese overtaking of all French Indochina. this made the U.S. very concerned... putting embargoes on all exports of steel and oil.
  • USSR is invaded by Nazi Germany, Hitler Breaks pact with Stalin

    USSR is invaded by Nazi Germany, Hitler Breaks pact with Stalin
    Operation Barbarossa, code name of German invasion. 4 million of Axis power troops invade USSR. Germans succed and take key access points in USSR.
  • Pearl Harbor in Hawaii is attacked by Japanese naval and air forces.U.S. declares war on Japan, and Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S.

    Pearl Harbor in Hawaii is attacked by Japanese naval and air forces.U.S. declares war on Japan, and Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S.
    The Japanese attack was to prevent intervention with planned attacks on Southeast Asia. japanese attacked at 7:48 killing 2,402 Americans and hundreds of water and air crafts. 65 japanese service men were killed or wounded, 1 one captured.
  • Japanese Americans interned in isolated camps

    Japanese Americans interned in isolated camps
    over 110,000 Japanese americans were interned in excluded camps. Executive order 9066 order all of japanese heritage into "Exclusion zones"
  • Philippines fall to Japanese- Bataan death march

    Philippines fall to Japanese- Bataan death march
    jpanese march on philipines over 3 month battle. filipino and American soldiers captured or killed rate was very high and many were killed before even getting to the battle front.
  • Russians stop Nazi advance at Staligrad and save Moscow

    Russians stop Nazi advance at Staligrad and save Moscow
    After succeses of infiltrating Russia, the Germans stall at Moscow.bringing troops from Siberia, the USSR made three defensive poitions around Moscow with defensive belts. after succesful defensive and Germans pushing back the USSR go on to counter attack and push the Germans back further
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This was a turning point in the war in the Pacific. Japan figured if they could take out the U.S. they could easily promote themselves to a pacific power so an attack was palnned. Japan wanted to lure them into an attack, but U.S. got word of the plan and capatilized and destroyed 4/6 aircraft carriers and one heavy carrier. this gave U.S thwe advantage and massacred the Japanese navy.
  • Zoot Suit Riots - Los Angeles CA

    Zoot Suit Riots - Los Angeles CA
    Riots in Los Angeles between Mexican Americans and White Military men. many riots broke out concerning Mexican American true Patriotism. this effect caused the Sleepy Lagoon Murder, the death of a young latino man.
  • Italian and German forces in North Afirica are defeated by British and US forces

    Italian and German forces in North Afirica are defeated by British and US forces
    US and British invaded and captured Libya from Italy. Italy counterattacked and took Sidi Barrani from Britain. US assisted with troops into Egypt.many defensive wins for Britain resulted in encricled Axis powers and surrender.
  • Italy surrenders, Mussolini dismissed as Prime Minister

    Italy surrenders, Mussolini dismissed as Prime Minister
    After banned from Italian socialist party, Mussolini founded the fascist movement. Once the Allied forces invaded Italy, Mussolini was out voted in the Grand Council of Fascism, and was arrested. Mussolini soon was rescued from prison by German special forces. Mussolini tryed to escape north but was only to be captured, executed, and hung upside down in Milan
  • D-Day invasion of France at Normandy by Allies

    D-Day invasion of France at Normandy by Allies
    during this time an Allied infantry was to attack the Germans in France at 6:30. a land, air , and water attack was sought out with plan of distraction and fake plans of an attack elsewhere to misguide Hitler. which worked out tremendously for the Allied powers
  • Paris retaken by Allied forces

    Paris retaken by Allied forces
    August 19th, the French resistance began an uprising which gained reinforcement troops from the Free French Army Of Liberation, and U.S third army. this soon led the Germans to surrender
  • Battle of the Bulge- last German Offensive

    Battle of the Bulge- last German Offensive
    The Germans planned a last offensive attack that would cause the Allied powers nothing but surrender.with suprise attack, the Germans tried to penetrate the Allied line in the middle and surround them. With a thin line and bad weather this negated Allied powers superiority in the air. French resistance blocked German acces points andterrain favoured for the defense, casued the Germans to be behing schedule letting forces disperse and air attacks on German supply lines
  • US forces return to recapture the Philipines

    US forces return to recapture the Philipines
    After being over run by Japanese, many Japanese hostiles remained in parts of the Philipines. Using precision long range bombs the U.S went back to defeate the remaining forces left.
  • FDR dies, Harry S. Truman becomes President

    FDR dies, Harry S. Truman becomes President
    After declining health, Franklin D. Roosevelt dies and Truman takes over at the end of WW2 and as tensions increased the start of the Cold War.
  • V-E day war ends in Europe

    V-E day war ends in Europe
    This public holiday was marked as the day the Nazi Germany surrenders to Allied powers. authorized by Karl Donitz, Hitler commited suicide on the Battle of Berlin
  • FIrst Atomic bomb dropped

    FIrst Atomic bomb dropped
    On this day, the war raged on in the pacific as the German Nazi party surrendered. Japan was called by the US for surrender but wouldnt listen so "little boy " an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, followed by another "Fat Man" which was dropped on Nagasaki. On August 15th, Japan surrendered to the Allies
  • V-J Day, Japan surrenders to Allied forces

    V-J Day, Japan surrenders to Allied forces
    Japan surrenders, on September 2nd, a surrender document is signed declaring an end to world war 2.
  • War Crimes Trials held in Nuremburg Germany; Manila, Philipines and Tokyo, Japan

    War Crimes Trials held in Nuremburg Germany; Manila, Philipines and Tokyo, Japan
    One of the Greatest Trials in History, 23 of the most important military and political leaders of the third Reich. Adolf Hitler amoung others commited suicide before the trials were held. out of the twelve men 10 were hanged and on ecommited suicide while the other was convicted of absentia.