World War 2

  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • hitler became leader of a small group known as the Nazi.

  • Mussolini and his folllowers threatened to overthrow Italy selected goverment.

  • Josef Stalin was sole dicatator of the soviet union

  • President Herbert Hoover rejected the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

  • Without approval of japan Goverment japans army siezed Manchuvia in Northeast China.

  • Hitler nickname was Cancellor or leader of germany.

  • Congress passed the Neutrality Act.

  • Missonli invaded the African county Ethiopia

  • Hitler defied the treaty by sending troops into the Rhineland region of Westeren Germany.

  • Militarism were incomplete control of Japenese goverment.

  • Japan stepped up it's aggresion toward China.

  • Troops began rounding up Jews and sending them to slave camps.

  • European leaders met in the Germany City of Munich to ease the crisis.

  • British prime minister returned from the Munich meeting anoccing the he had won "peace for our time".

  • Nazi troops invaded Poland.

  • World was shocked that Hitler and Stalin signed a nonaggresive agreement.

  • roosevet took another unprecedented ordered Army Air Corps to rganized and African American unit under the command of black officers.

  • President Roosevelt sought reelection to a third term.

  • moved north sizing Denmark and Norway.

  • Winston told his speech.

  • Hitler gleefully accepted the surrender of France.

  • it passed a law that set up the first peacetime draft in America history.

  • Britian's treasury was empty

  • Hitler broke his pact with Stalin.

  • Japan invaded the french colony of Indochina.

  • Roosevelt and Churchill used the alantic Charter outlining their goals for the postwar world.