Japan Invades Manchuria
The attack on Manchuria was the first direct challenge to the league of nations. They condemned Japanese aggression and Japaneseignored the protests -
Mussolini attacks Ethiopia
The Leagues failure encouraged Mussolini to plan aggression of his own. He ordered a massive invasion of Ethiopia and the league condemned the attack. -
Hitler Defies Versailles Treaty
Hitler had long pledged to undo the treaty. Hitler admitted that he would back down if the French and Britain had challenged him. He then made the agreement with Japan -
Japn Invades China
A border incident created war between Japan and China. Japanese forces swept into northern China and Chinas army was no match for Japanese army -
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
Britain and France wanted the Soviets to join them in stopping Hitlers aggression. Two dictators reached an agreement to never attack one another and the nonaggression pact was signed -
Lightning War
Germany surprised attcked Poland in 1939 and their war planes invaded Polish airspace. The Poland city crumbled under the assault and fell -
Battle of Britain
Germany tried to confuse Britain by using propoganda while talking about their plan. Britain prepared for the attack by puttingup barbed wire and always had guns on hand. During the battle, bombs were getting dropped by the ton and Britains hid in cabins -
Battle of Midway
Almost the entire Japanese fleet was mobilized for an offensive that would capture Midway. To fool the Americans, Japanese forces would mount anattack on the Aleutians and when he US fleet sailed to relive Midway, Japanese forces would crush it -
Victory at El Alamein
A thousand heavy guns opened up over the Western Desert and engineers cleared paths through the enemy minefields. The Axis troops were badly sahken and their commander flew back from Germany to take over -
Surrender at Stalingrad
German commander of Stalingrad surrendered to soldiers of the Red Army. Withn two days, all German resistance ended and over 90,000 Axis soldiers went into captivity -
Invasion of Sicily
2,000-strong allied armada landed 160,000 troops on the south coast of Sicily. At first, allied progress was rapid but German units fought a hard delaying action before leaving the island -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Sailors in Pearl Harbor awoke to the Japanese attacking them. Within 2 hours, the Japanese had sunk or damaged 18 ships. Many americans were killed and wounded -
The day when the allies began their invasion of the European mainland. American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France's Normandy region -
Battle of the Bulge
Adolph Hitler attempted to split the Allied armies in northwest Europe. As the Germans drove deeper into the Ardennes in an attempt to secure vital bridgeheads, the Allied line took on the appearance of a large bulge, giving rise to the battle’s name -
Yalta Conference
A meeting between Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin Roosevelt. They descussed important decisions regarding the future progress of the war and the postwar world