Treaty of Versaillies
The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties to end World War 1. It ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It stated that Germany had to take blame for the war. It also stated that Germany could not have an army. -
Japan invades China
The Japenese invaded China and pushed them back. They took over Shanghai and commited the Nanking Massacre. No matter how many Japanese victories the Chinese wouldnt give up. -
Munich Peace Confrence
The Munich Peace Confrence is now considered a failed act of appesament to Nazi Germany. It was signed September 30 but dated September 29. Germany Italy France and United Kingdom. -
Jewish homes were attached and burned. As well as shops, towns, and villiages. Around 1668 churches were ransaked and 267 were set on fire. In another town 95 houses of prayer were destroyed. -
Germany invades Poland
After WW1 Germany were not supposed to have an army but the UN felt bad for them so we gave it back. Under the rule of crazy Hitler Germany set out and invades Poland. This act would start World War 2. -
Battle of Britian
This was battles using the Britian Air Force and the German Air Force. They battled summer and autumn to gain air dominance. The name comes from Winston Churchill's speech in which he said "I expect the Battle of Britian is about to begin." -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was on December 7, 1941 when the Japenese attached the United States. The Japan Government had been planning this attack for two years. They wanted control of the Pacific Ocean and had to attack the United States to get it. There goal was to lower our moral but it did the opposite and made us want to fight. -
Battle of Stalingrad
The battle of Stalingrad was a famous battle of World War 2 where Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union. The town was named after the Soviet Union's leader. It was the largest battle of the Eastern Front. It was also the turning point of World War 2. -
D-Day or Operation Overlord was a operation to invade the beaches of Normandy. We bombed a few hundred miles down the coast and made them think that we were going to bomb there. Then we raided up the beach at Omaha, Utah and three others. We used alot of men and alot of ammunition but we took the beach. -
Korematsu V. United States
This court case ordered Japenese-Americans into internment camps. In a 6-3 decision the court decided with the government. They ruled it was constutional. -
Potsdam Peace Confrence
The Potsdam Peace Confrence was were the Allies met to decide the punishment of the defeated Germans. The goals were to establish the after war peace treaties. As well as countering the effects of war. -
Hiroshima was the retalliation of the United States for attaching Pearl Harbor. We warned them to surrender but they refused. So we dropped two of them this one was the first. They were so big that Japan surrendered in the next few days.