World War 2

By arhum
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Who: Germany and Russia
    What: Invasion of Poland
    Why: Wanted more land
    Interesting Fact: They first used Blitzrieg
    Impact on the War: Started WW2
  • Britain and France declare war

    Britain and France declare war
    Who: Germany, France, Great Britain
    What: Britain and France declare war on Germany
    Where: Europe
    Why: Because Germany invades Poland.
    Interesting Facts:They would begin bombing German ships on September 4
    Impact on war: A lot of soilders died.
  • Hitler invades France

    Hitler invades France
    Who: Germany and France
    What: Germany invades France
    Where: Paris, France
    Why: Germany wanted revenge from WW1
    Interesting Facts: Soviets lost over 5 000 000 men
    Impact on War: Germany took over France
  • Miracle of Dunkirk

    Miracle of Dunkirk
    Who: Britain, France and Germany
    What:Britain and France soilders were rescused
    Why: To rescuse their soilders
    Interesting: Germany was to scare to attack.
    Impact on the War: not many soilders were rescused
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Who: Great Britain and Germany
    What: Germany attacked Britain by air.
    Where: Great Britain
    Why: Germany wantes to control English Channel.
    Interesting Fact: It was the most famous war in WW2
    Impact on War:If the UK had lost then Hitler would have owned the whole of Africa, Asia, Middle east and Europe
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    Who: Japan and U.S.A
    What:Invasion of Peral Harbour
    Where: Peral Harbour
    Why: To cut off connection with U.S.A
    Interesting Fact: U.S joined the war
    Impact on the War: A strong country joined the war.
  • U.S.A enters the war

    U.S.A enters the war
    What:U.S.A joined the war
    Where:Marshell Island

    Why:because Japan bombed Peral Harbour
    Intersting Fact: U.S was the stronger country.
    Impact on the War:It was a big impact on war because germany was scared.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Who: Germany and USSR
    What: When Germany took over Stalingrad.
    Where: USSR
    Why: Germany wanted to take over USSR
    Interesting Fact: 5,000 German made it back to Germany alive.
    Impact on the war: It was a huge impact on the war bescuse it
    was hitler's turning point.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Who: U.S and Japan
    What: It was the battle of the Central Pacific.
    Where: Pacific Ocean
    Why: Japan planned to capture midway and the U.S
    Interesting Fact; no one claimed Pacific
    Impact on War: Japan failed
  • Raid on Dieppe

    Raid on Dieppe
    Who: Canada, U.S.A, Britain
    What: The Battle of Dieppe
    Why: Was a test for the full-scale invasion of western Europe.
    Interesting Facts: Nearly 1000 Canadians died
    Impact on War: The rest of France quickly fell
  • D Day

    D Day
    Who: Great Britain,Germany Canadian,USA
    What:Great Britain attacks Germany
    Why: To stop the Germans
    Where: France
    Interesting Fact:D-day is the day that the allied forces of the English stormed the beaches.
    Impact on War:D-Day forced the Germans to fight a two front war
  • End of World War 2 in Europe

    End of World War 2 in Europe
    Who: Allies and Germany
    What: War ended in Europe
    Why: Hitler committed sucide
    Interesting Fact: The West Celebrated
    Impact on War: It ended the war in Europe
  • Bombing in Hiroshima

    Bombing in Hiroshima
    Who: U.S.A and Hiroshima
    Where: Hiroshima
    Why: To stop the war. US wanted to show who was the best.
    What: Bombing in Hiroshima
    Interesting Fact: That was the last thing to happen in the War. US was the strongest.
    Impact on War: It stopped everyone from fighting. US was the strongest.
  • Bombing in Nagasaki

    Bombing in Nagasaki
    Who: U.S.A and Nagasaki
    Where: Nagasaki
    What: Bombing Nagasaki
    Why: U.S wanted to proof everyone who was the super power
    Interesting Fact: they killed a lot of civilian
    Impact on War: It scared the other countries
  • End of World War 2

    End of World War 2
    Who: The Allies, The Axis
    What: The Allies won the War
    Where: Europe
    Why: The Axis surrendered
    Interesting Fact: WW2 ended by the dropping of the A bombs on Japan during August 1945
    Impact on the War: It ended the war