• invasion of Poland

    invasion of Poland
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    Invasion of Poland

    who; Germany invadeing Poland from the west and USSR on the eastern
    what; Germany took half of Poland and USSR got the other
    where; Poland
    why; to get land
    interesting fact; the first time blitzkreig tactics were utalized
    impact on war efforts; assisted the Nazi forces
  • Britian and France declair war

    Britian and France declair war
    who; Britian, France, Nazi Germany
    what; declairation of war
    where; europe
    why; germanies invasion of poland
    interesting fact; they had strived so much to stop war that they ended putting themselves into a bad position when it came
    impact on war; it "started" the war
  • Nazi invasion of France

    Nazi invasion of France
    who; Allied French troops and attacking Nazi German forces
    what; Nazi Germany invadeing France
    where; northern France was occupied from the east
    why; to control europe
    interesting fact; 1.9 million allies captured during the invasion
    impact on war; it left the united kingdom without any european allies
  • battle of Britian

    battle of Britian
    who; German Luftwaffe vs the British RAF
    what; Germany bombed Britain
    where; Britain and the english channel
    why; to try to break the moral of the English and to disable their military
    interesting fact; almost 5 times the casualties for the Luftwaffe
    impact on the war; motivated the british people to help aid in the war effort
  • bombing of Pearl Harbor

    bombing of Pearl Harbor
    who; Imperial Japan and USA
    what; Imperial japanese navy bombing the pearl harbor hawaii
    where; owahoo island, hawaii
    why; a fuel monopoly because it was an ally of the third reich
    impact on the war effort; brought america into the war
  • U.S. declaires war

    U.S. declaires war
    who; United States
    what; declaires war on japan and germany
    where; United States
    why; to assist the allies in the war effort and exact vengance on japan for their assualt on pearl harbor
    fact; U.S. declaired war a day after pearl harbor
    impact on war effort; large advantage to the allied forces bringing in another million plus soldiers
  • Dieppe raid

    Dieppe raid
    who; Canadian troops and Nazi troops
    what; canadian forces assaulted the beaches of Dieppe
    where; Dieppe, France
    why; to try and get a foot hold in europe
    interesting fact; the Nazi troops had camera equiptment waiting
    impact on the war; many canadian deaths and even more wounded and/or captured, helped the allies plan better for the normandy beaches
  • battle of Stalingrad

    battle of Stalingrad
    who; Soviet union and nazi forces
    what; the red army made a stand and stoped the invadeing nazi troops with heavy losses
    where; Stalingrad, U.S.S.R. (now Leningrad, Russia)
    why; it was a major part of the red armies moral and would provide a highly stratigic foot hold for the nazi troops
    interesting fact; the red army lost approximately 1.15 million troops (wounded, killed, or missing)
    impact on the war; nazi defeat was of major importance as it might have spelled the end for the soviet rule
  • assualt on the Normandy beaches ( D-day)

    assualt on the Normandy beaches ( D-day)
    who; Canada, Britain, USA, and Nazi forces
    what; allies assualted the beaches of Normandy
    where; northern and north western beaches of Normandy, France
    why; it gave the allies a foot hold in central europe
    interesting fact; 195700 US, British, and Canadian troops landed with armor and also with air coverage
    impact; D day spelt the begining of the end for Nazi Germany and Hitler