Iwo jima

World War 2

  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    citationOn September 1, 1939 Hitler and his country Germany had invaded Poland forcing many jewish and non-jewish people to escape. France and Great Britain had promised to help Poland. The Polish army attempted defend itself against Hitler and the nazis, but Polands army was not strong enough and were defeated and were took over by Hitler. The polish people who escaped went to London, while Germany had complete control over Poland and its people.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
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    Battle of Britain

    citationAfter Germany had complete control over Poland and France who both surrendered to them, Germany decided to try to take over Britain. On July 10, 1940, Hitler and the Nazis invaded Britain bombing them with airplanes. The war was eventually postponed due to Germany wanting to invade the Soviet Union, but Germany was still bombing Great Britain.
  • Operation Barbarossa - Russia

    Operation Barbarossa - Russia
    citation After Germany lost its focus on Britain, and was desired to attack, they launched Operation Barbarossa on June 22, 1941. Operation Barborossa was a deadly attack on Russia by Germany, despite Russia having a strong army they were severley injured during the war. This was the largest military attck of World War 2.
  • Battle of Moscow, Russia

    Battle of Moscow, Russia
    citation The Battle of Moscow, Russia was after Operation Barborossa. Hitler believed that if Germany captured Moscow, then the whole nation would collapse due to Moscow being the heart of Russia. The Red Army had been severley injured by Germany, and Hitlers dream may be coming true of Russia collapsing, but Germany too was injured. Germany got off to a good start, but eventually the freezing temperatures of Russia affected their performance.
  • Battle of Stalingrad Russia

    Battle of Stalingrad Russia
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    Battle of Stalingrad Russia

    citation The Battle of Stalingrad began on August 20, 1942. This was considered the turningpoint of World War 2. Germany wanted control of Stalingrad since it was the main city for Russias Communication and Manufacturing. When Germans took over parts of the city during day, Russia took them back at night. Eventually Russians closed in on Germany and surrounded them. over 91,000 Germans were taken prisoners and Germany was defeated.
  • Battle of Kursk, Russia

    Battle of Kursk, Russia
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    Battle of Kursk, Russia

    citation The Germans were in full retreat, looking to retreat back to their country, meanwhile Russia was chasing after them knowing that Germany was weak. The Germans wanted to defend themselves and used Tanks to fight, but the Russian air force started to bomb the retreating Germans. Germany wanted to attack back, but they were clearly outnumbered, so they continued to retreat. This became the last major attack the Germans would launch against Russia until they realized they had no chance of winning.
  • D-Day, France

    D-Day, France
    citation After Russia had weakened Germany severley, The USA and Britain realized that they could help finish off Germany with Russias help. Americans landed in France along with Great Britain to attack the west side of Germany while Russia attacked the east side. The USA and Britain bombed Germany. The Allies were looking to surround Germany by attacking them from both sides.
  • Battle of Bulge

    Battle of Bulge
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    Battle of Bulge

    citation The Battle of Bulge started when Hitler stated that the allies army was not strong and that he would succeed in taking it down. Hitler decided to launch a surprise attack against American forces. Americans were severley injured and surprised by this. The Germans got low on fuel after the attack and were not defended well. The Americans attacked the Germans which turned into a massacre. 81,000 Americans were killed while Germany lost 100,000 men in a bloody battle at Bulge.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
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    Battle of Berlin

    citation The battle for Berlin was the last, and final stand for the Nazis and Hitler. The USA and Britain closed in on Berlin from the west, while Stalin and Russia came in from the east. The Germans had one last chance to protect themselves from the allies. Germany clearly had no chance since his army was weak while three countries contiued to annihilate his army from both sides. Hitler realized this and knew he was to be killed, therefore he shot himself before the allies wiped out all Germans.
  • Hiroshima Nagasaki Bombing

    Hiroshima Nagasaki Bombing
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    Hiroshima Nagasaki Bmbing

    citation The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was devastating to Japan. USA already angry about the Pearl Harbor attack, Franklin D. Roosevelt decided that Japan had to be bombed. on July 6 "little boy" atom bomb hit Hiroshima, 3 days after "fat man" atom bomb hit Nagasaki. These two bombs killed over 150,000 people and the after effects killed many more. Japan immediately surrendered after a devastating tradegy to its nation.