Hitler Invades Poland
Though Germany and Poland were allies, Hitler decided to invade Poland because what land Germany had lost after World War 2 Poland had gained.
In a way, I can see what Hitler was thinking: it's not fair to anyone, and when things aren't fair people tend to react in a negative manner. Now I'm not saying Hitler was justified, but there is an uncountable number of people who would've done the same thing. -
Hitler Controls Western Europe
In 1940, Hitler began to invade countries in Western Europe, including Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France.
This was the point where the rest of the world had to go "Oh man, this Hitler guy is going to be a real problem". However, they didn't, and many people payed for their mistakes with their lives. This was awful and I can't believe the rest of the world was so stupid as to only care for themselves. -
Germany Invades Soviet Union
The Germans began to attack the Soviet Union, but as winter drew nearer and the Germans were more exposed to Soviet attacks, they had to retreat.
It's awesome that the Soviet Union used nature against the Germans; it was a great idea that didn't cost too many lives on the winning side. -
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, taking over 2,000 lives. President Franklin D. Roovevelt declared war on Japan.
It doesn't seem fair for Japan too attack us, and if they wouldn't have, then they wouldn't have gotten bombed by us. If you think about it, though, it was a world war, and the US thinking we were too good to be in the war was highly pretenious. -
Allies Invade Europe on D-Day
Allied forces decided to invade Normany, in northern France, and it was a success. By August, the Allied troops had entered Paris, and by September they were all the way to Germany's western border.
This just seems like a normal war invasion to me. There aren't many details, so I'm assuming it wasn't the most devastating of the invasions, though every invasion is devastating. It just doesn't seem as important. -
US Drops Bomb on Japan
The US decided to try out a new bomb on the Japanese, killing hundreds of thousands of people. Five days after the attack, Japan surrendered.
This wasn't fair, and the US should've thought of how they would feel if this happened to them. If they would've thought of that before they bombed, I wouldn't be ashamed of living here. This was a huge mistake and everyone should feel guilt for their ancestors.