
world war 2

  • July 29, 1921Adolph Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party

    July 29, 1921Adolph Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party
    The past president got Assasinated so Hitler was next to be president. Germans who lost their jobs thought they'd be better under Hitler.
  • The Nazis make all other political parties in Germany illegal.

    The Nazis make all other political parties in Germany illegal.
    Hitler didnt want any more voting because he wanted to be the only ruler.
  • Germany invades africa

    Germany invades africa
    Allied forces landed in Africa on the French colonies so they could stop Rommel’s forces between American and British force. the Affect was that German and Italian forces overran southern France.
  • Germany, Britain, France, and Italy sign the Munich Pact allowing Germany to invade the Sudeten territories of Czechoslovakia.

    this was allowing Germany to invade the Sudeten territories of Czechoslovakia.
  • Nazis take the sudetland

    Adolf Hitler had threatened to take the Sudetenland by force.
  • March 31, 1939Britain declares that it will support Poland

  • Germany and the Soviet Union signed a Pact

    representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other
  • Germany and the USSR sign a secret non-agression pact

    Germany and the USSR sign a secret non-agression pact dividing up Poland.
  • Germany invades Poland.

    At 4:45 Germany opened fire on Poland’s air-force and navy. Germany said that it was a defensive action. This action caused the beginning of world war 2
  • beginning of World War II.

    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany after German forces penetrate deeper into Poland. This marks the beginning of World War II.
  • Finland surrenders to the USSR,

    Finland surrenders to the USSR, ending the brief Russo-Finnish war that began when the Soviets invaded Finland on November 30, 1939.
  • Denmark surrenders to Germany.

    Germany invades Norway.
  • Winston Churchill becomes the new Prime Minister of Britain, replacing Chamberlain.

    Germany invades the Netherlands it surrenders four days later. Germany invades Belgium.
  • German Blitzberg

    Blitzberg means "lightning war"
    it was based on speed and surprise and needed a military force to be based around light tank units supported by planes and infantry.
  • The Battle of Britain

    took place between August and September 1940. After the success of Blitzkrieg, the evacuation of Dunkirk and the surrender of France, Britain was by herself. The Battle of Britain remains one of the most famous battles of World War Two.
  • nazi invasion of the soviet union

    Instead of fighting and having big battles with the Germans, the Russians retreated and lured the enemy far inside their country. The Russians used a strategy, like that used against Napoleon, which left the invading troops with nothing to eat. They left nothing behind, burned crops, killed or took animals with themselves. It is called "the scorched earth policy
  • Pearl Harbor

    Just before 8 on the morning of December 7, 1941, hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii. The attack lasted just two hours, but it was very damagin The Japanese killed nearly 20 American naval vessels, including eight battleships, and almost 200 airplanes. and More than 2,000 Americans soldiers and sailors died in the attack, and another 1,000 were wounded. The day after the assault
  • Wannsee Conference

    On January 20, 1942, the Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a place in Berlin of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question."
  • allied invasion of africa

    The attack was started on Nov. 1942 with about 850 ships employed. From the start it was very successful with the neutralized French only put resistance, lessons were learned to help with the invasion of France. The Russians wanted the Allies to begin a second front since they were doing all the fighting against Hitler and Moscow insisted that the Allies get into the war. Many Americans were eager to begin an invasion of France in 1942-43 but it was feared that the Soviets would make a separate
  • Battle of stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad is considered to have been the turning point in World War 2 in Europe. The battle at Stalingrad made German army weak in Russia and after this defeat, the German Army was in full retreat. People believe that Hitler wanted to attack Stalingred beacuse of his hate for Joseph Stalin
  • Operation Gomorrah

    Operation Gomorrah was a series of air raids conducted by the RAF on the city of Hamburg beginning in the end of July 1943. It was at the time the heaviest assault in the history of aerial warfare and was later called the Hiroshima of German Conflict: Operation Gomorrah was an aerial bombing campaign that occurred in the European Theater during World War 2 The orders for Operation Gomorrah were signed on May 27, 1943. on the night of July 24, 1943, the bombing continued until August 3.
  • VE Day

    On Mar. 7, 1945, the Western Allies commanders in the field were Omar N. Bradley and Bernard Law Montgomery crossed after having smashed through the strongly Line with West Germany. German collapse came after the meeting of the Western and Russian armies at Torgau in Saxony, and after Hitler's death amid the ruins of Berlin, which was falling to the Russians.