Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi party
Adolf Hitler believed, and let others to believe that Germans were a mater race. The Nazi party was created to punish the people that were thought to "betray them" in World War One. -
Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany
1932 Germany saw the rise of the Nazi party into a prominent political force. The Weimar government had failed its people and, following the worldwide depression, Germany was in economic ruin, people’s livelihoods shattered, and the nation, still burdened with the humiliation of the post-First World War Treaty of Versailles. Germans, fearful of Communists and Jews, looked for an alternative and that alternative lay in Hitler and the Nazi Party. -
Hitler Annexes Czechoslovakia
Adolf Hitler reneges on the promist made in September of 1938 and takes all the Czechoslovakia. -
Nazis Invade Poland; Britain and France declare war of Germany
World War Two was started because Hitler wanted to get Germany's lost land back. After attacking Poland, Britain and France declared war. World War Two began. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
On this date, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was attacked by Japanese naval and air forces. The US decalres war on Japan. Germany and Italy declare war on the US. -
Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway was the turning point of the war in the Pacific. -
Invasion of France at Normandy by allies -
Death of Major Leader
FDR dies and Harry S. Truman becomes President. -
V-E Day
War ends in Europe. -
VJ- Day
Japan surrenders to Allied forces