Battle of Atlantic
The longest Battle of World War II in which German Submarines tried to sink supply ships going to England and Soviet Union. The Battle peaked in 1942 but slowly German Submarines were subdued. Germany lost 50,000 Naval Officers and Allies lost 50,000 Merchant and Sailors. -
Battle of Britain
The largest Air Battle in History. Germany aim to crush the RAF before Invasion of England fails. Germany loses 3,000 Pilots and England loses 1,800 Pilots as well as 20,000 British Civilians are killed. -
Battle of Moscow
he German attack to capture the city fails due to Soviet counter offensives and severe winter storms which paralyzes the German Army. Germany lost 200,000 men killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 700,000 killed/wounded/captured. -
Battle of Stalingrad
he Bloodiest battle ever fought in history and the greatest urban battle ever fought. The biggest defeat on the German Army since the war began. Germany lost 300,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 1,200,000 killed. -
Battle of Kursk
Germany launches its 3rd Summer Offensive against the Russians and its last. The largest Tank Battle ever fought in History. German aim to capture 66 Soviet Divisions fails as the Battle becomes a battle of attrition. Germany accepts a tactical draw and withdraws. Germany lost 100,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 250,000 killed and 600,000 wounded and the destruction of 50% of their tanks. -
June 1944 was a major turning point of World War II, particularly in Europe. Although the initiative had been seized from the Germans some months before, so far the western Allies had been unable to mass sufficient men and material to risk an attack in northern Europe -
Battle of Normandy
The Invasion of Western Europe by the Allied forces. Germany lost 216,000 men killed/wounded/captured and Allies lost 209,000 killed/wounded/captured. -
Battle of Prussia
Soviet Union launches the greatest offensive in human history. Its aim is to destroy 100 German Divisions guarding Prussia and Poland. Hitler does not give the order for the Massive German Army Center to withdraw and the Army is totally destroyed. Germany lost 800,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 1,300,000 killed and wounded. This was the greatest disaster to befall on the German Army in World War II. -
Battle of Ardennes
The last great German offensive in World War II. Germany lost 100,000 killed and USA lost 81,000 killed/wounded/captured and 1,400 British losses. -
Battle of Berlin
he 2nd most fierce urban warfare battle. Germany lost 200,000 killed and over 200,000 civilians killed and Soviet Union lost 600,000 men killed and wounded.