World War 2

  • 1st Saturday Surprise- Saturday Surprise

    1st Saturday Surprise- Saturday Surprise
    On this day Hitler announced that he was building the Air Force back up, using the draft again, and rearming the nation. He said he was doing all of this in the name of defense. No one opposed him and every single person believed him that it was for defense.
  • Hitler set his econd Saturday Surprise- Saturday Surprise

    On this day German Soldiers went into the Rhineland. This area had been forbidden to German soldiers because of the Treaty of Versailles. many Germans approved of Hitler doing this, even Germans that did not support the Nazis
  • Germany became allies with Italy- Taking Austria

    Germany became allies with Italy- Taking Austria
    Hitler and Mussolini teamed up together. With this Mussolini got support from Hitler on Missolini's invasion of Ethiopia. Also this agreement gave a path to the union of Germany and Austria.
  • Hitler Meets with the Prime Minister of Austria- taking Austria

    On this day Hitler met with the Prime Minister of Austria to try to convince him to help create the union of Germany and Austria. Once the Prime Minister said no Hitler gave him three days to think about it. The Prime Minister held a vote and 99.7 percent of the citizens approved of the union.
  • Munich Agreement- Appeasing Hitler

    Mussolini invited the leaders of France, England, and Germany to talk about the Sudetenland. Hitler was trying to invade Checkoslavakia for a while and the section of Sudetenland was approving of being part of Germany, but Checkoslavakia was not. England and France said afer World War 1 they would protect Checkoslavakia's independance, so thats how they got involved.
  • Hitler told the Reichstag that other countries were hypocrits when it came to the treatment of Jews- Death Threats and Broken Promises

    Hitler told the Riechstag that the other countries were hypocrits when it came to the treatment of Jews because when Hitler tried to put the Jews some where else no one accepted them. He also said that the United States accepts their own Jews but will not take any more. Also he said that no one could even come up with an excuse.
  • Germany took over Checkoslavakia- Death Threats and Broken Promises

    Germany took over Checkoslavakia- Death Threats and Broken Promises
    On this day Germany completely took over Checkoslavakia. After that all the world leaders stopped trying to oppose Hitler and just let him do whatever with out speaking out. The only time the Prime Minister of England spook out after this day was when Hitler invaded Poland because he made a promise to protect their independence.
  • Germany Declares war on Poland-Targeting Poland

    Germany Declares war on Poland-Targeting Poland
    On this day Hitler declared war on Poland and England and France declared war on Germany. No one was happy in Germany, because even the strong Nazi supporters did not want another war after World War 1. Niether did the rest of the world.
  • Poland surrendered to Germany-Conquests in the East

    When Poland surrendered it started chaos in Poland. Germany split up Poland into Wathegau and the General Government of Poland. Germany soldiers would toture Polaish citizens and some soldiers did not want to, but they had to under orders.
  • France fell to Germany- Conquest in the west

    Fance fell to Germany and Germany was no in control of every western country besides England. At that time, Winston Churchhill also became the Prime Minister of England. Once again the Nazi's were doing al kinds of stuff to the citizens of conquered countries, but nothing as bad as Poland, and most of the tortures were on Jews.
  • Hitler ordered the invasion of Russia- The Invasion of Russia

    Hitler ordered the invasion of Russia- The Invasion of Russia
    Hitler ordered to murder anyone the soldiers found that could be considered enemies of the state when they were invading Russia. Each division of SS had an area that they started invading at. Those areas was where they killed a lot of people.
  • The United States declares War on Japan- The United States Enters The War

    The United States declared war on Japan because they bombed Pearl Harbor. This led toJapan asking for help from their allied Germany and then Germany declared war on the United States. When Germany declared war on the US they combined 3 powerful nations to all team up against Germany.