World War 2

By Reed36
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invasion into Poland finally provokes Egland and France to declare war on Germany
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    World War 2 from start to finish

    Starts with german invasion into Poland, end with signing peace treaty with Japan
  • Battle Of Britain

    Battle Of Britain
    Hitler invades Britian on July 10, 1940 with his luftwaffem, to try to gain air superiorty against the royal air forces, which later on fails
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    Battle of Britain

    Air campaign waged by the german air force againist the United Kingdom during the summer of 1940. The whole Purpose of this campaign was to gain air superiority over the royal air forces. Germany fails and is forces Britain to negotiate a armistice.
  • Battle Of Midway

    Battle Of Midway
    Japanese try to take midway but becuase of american code breaking, we were able to set up an ambush, and stop it.
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    Battle of Midway

    one of the most important naval battle in the pacific campaign. japanese wanted to eliminate the united states as a stragitic power. japanese plan was to lure the American fleet to Alaska, so they could begin an assult on midway, but the American broke the japense code and found out it was a trap and stayed at Midawy to set up an ambush. the japense didnt realizze they found out and lost the battle of Midway
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Nazi Germany and its allies invade Russain to take Stalingrade, a city in russia, not knowing that their future holds heavy losses and a turning point in the war.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Nazi Germany and its allies fought the soviet union for control of the city Stalingrad, in Russia. It was the largest battle on the eastern front. the heavy losses on the german army during this battle made it a turning point in the war. This attacked was supported by Hitlers Luftwaffe, so most of the city's buildings were made to rubble, makeing it building to building fighting.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces begin their invasion in Nomandy, an effort to liberate Germany.
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    D-Day were landing operations of the allied invasions of normandy. the landings consisted of two phases, and airborne assult with airborne troops and an amphibious landings. the purpose of this invasion was to liberate Europe
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki caused the japanese to sign a peace treaty ending world war 2.
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    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    the United States asked for surrender of japan or there would be complete and utter destruction. japan refused. two nucaler weapons were deployed from the manhattin project. little boy was dropped on hiroshima and fat man was drooped on nagasaki. many civialian casualties.