Paris Peace Confrence
Treaty of Versallies
This was one of the main invents that lead to the big depression, after world war 1 Germany had to sign a treaty which meant that plenty of things would be taken away, and they had to pay 30 billion dollats, Germany felt this was always unfair so a few years later, Germany had some ideas -
Joseph Stalin is the leader of the communist party
King Byng Crysis
Stock Market Crash
Great Depression
Nazis become largest party
Franklin D Roosevelt
Adolf HItler is in power
Hitler tries to bring Germany out of depresion
Hitler knew that every country was facing depression, He knew that countries would be worried about there own problems ratrher than others, so he took advantage and made little moves to get germany stronger -
Nazi set up concentration camps
Unemployment reaches highest level
Anti Jewish
This started the war because it was one of the main problems with Hitler and the Jews. HItler had a huge hatred towards them and anyone who tried to get in his way. -
Italy invaded Abyssinia
Spanish Civil War
HItler orderd troops Rhineland
Second-Sino Japanese War
Kristallnacht in Germany
Hitler despised jews, so he took them over, he brought them to concrentation camps. He did some very disgusting things such as burn them, Since other countries were in depression, when the jewish people tried to escape to other countries they said no and would be brought back to the concentration capms where they would be killed, this was a huge invent that lead to the world war -
Non agression act with Joseph Stalin
Germany invades Poland
This event was one of the big things that lead to the war, When Germsany invaded Poland it alerted all of the countries and started WW2