Treaty of Munich
Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier of France and Mussolini of Italy met in Munich and agreed that Hitler should have a part of Czechslovakia. The Czechs were not a part of this meeting and when no country would come tho their aid they were forced to give up the Sudetanland. Chamberlain then returned to England wit ha piece of papare signed by Hitler that proclaimed "Peace in out time." -
Russia and Germany pact
Russia and Germany made a pact called the Brest-Litovsk pact. It was a non- aggresion pact but secretly it gave Germany power over Russia. Later Germany broke the pact by invading parts of Russia. -
Britain and France declare war on Germany
Germany rebuilt its army and took over Poland, breaking the treaty it had signed. France and Britain delclared war on Germany starting World War II. Germany starting taking over all of Europe including france. -
Chamberlain resigns
Neville Chamberlain resigns after pressure from Labour members for a more active prosecution of the war. Winston Churchhill became the new head of the wartime government. Chamberlain still gave Churchhil all his support after he resigned. -
The british army had been forced to retreat to the coast of Dunkirk. While being heavily attacked they called out to the royal navy for evacuation. While they still fought of the germans the fleet managed to rescue 140,000 men from the beach. -
Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain lasted from July to September in the year 1940. It was the first battle to be fought in the air. Britain barely won against the Germans in the dogfight. -
Operation Barbarossa
This was Germany's plan for invasion. He planned to take all of Russia in this one plan. It did not work out as planned because Germany was being attacked from many different parts of Europe. -
Pearl Harbor
On December 7, 1941, Japand bombed the naval yard at Pearl Harbor. This crippled the U.S.'s chance to enter the war. America retaliated by bombing Hiroshima -
Italy Surrenders
Mussolini had been thrown out of office and the new government surrenderd to Britain and the US. Italy then joined the side of the allies. before long Germany took control of Italy's army and used Mussolini as a puppet. -
This is the day that the Allied forces launched a final attack on Normandy. The Germans were not ready for this attack because they were fed false information about the army's location. This battle led to the downfall of Hitler and the Nazi party.