The start of world war 2
World war 2 started in 1939 when the nazi party of germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler attacked poland and conquered it that same year. Poland declared war germany and soon to follow them was Britian and France.Adolf hitler also attacked Sudetenland and then all of czechoslovakia and later they declared war on Germany. -
Pearl Harbor
On december 7, 1941 Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base at pearl harbor Hawaii. The bombing lasted two hours and within that time almost two tohousand soldiers and sailors died almost one thousand were injured. On december 8th 1941 America declared war on japan due to the maasive bombing at Pearl Harbor. -
Germany Declares war on U.S
On december 11, 1941 germany declared war on America because he thought the u.s would beet the japanese very easily. That same Day president Roosevelt stated that he would do anything to defend America and the jews in it. Hitler that same day as well stated that America has declared war and that they are the cause and that they will be delt with. -
Drafting at 18
On november 11, 1942 The u.S lowered the Drafting age of the military to age 18. They did this because the U.S had millions of men enlisting and some were to old and not eligable so they started for the 18 year olds which were drafted by the thousands. In this war there were 20 million eligable young men but through the war 50 percent were rejected. -
Germans surrender at Stalingrad
On febuary 2, 1943 germany surrendered to stalingrad because Von paulus try to commit suicide. The germans told hitler to sell out the Soviets but that did not work so the germans surrendered. Germany surrendered to The soviets on Febuary 2, 1943. -
America bombs Rome
On July 19, 1943 the us bombed rome in order to break the will of the Italian people. They also did this to try to stop the war from going on. Soon after this hitler told rommel to go to the greek islands to put up a defensive line but a week later the war continued. -
Mussolini Falls From power
On July 25, 1943 Benito Mussolini, fascist dictator of Italy, is voted out of power by his own Grand Council and arrested upon leaving a meeting with King Vittorio Emanuele. During the early hours of the 25th Italian councels met to discuss tha fate of italy which intended the removal of its leader. After this descision the only question left was was Italy going to keep fighting or surrender. -
Liberation of Paris
On August 25th, 1944 Paris was liberated from germany finally with the help of the french and british army. Two days earlier a french resdistance group marched inb paris hoping to free it. more than 500 resistance fighters died as well as 127 civilians. -
Train passengers suffocate
On March 2nd, 1944 500 people died on board a train due to suffacation on board the train. The train was coming salerno Italy and heading to the rural south part of the city but while heading therecarbon monoxide got into the train and killed 500 people. The train got the carbon monoxide in a tunnel just outside the city. -
On June 6th, 1944 18,000 parachutists were already on the ground which began the land Invasion of Normandy. The day before 6,000 landing crafts and 176,000 troops began leaving for france. That day 2,000 thousand troops gave their lives and about 155,000 allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to take them.