executive order 9066
this is when we made any japanese haritaged people go in to camps out of the way. they were feed and worked. there where 110000 japinese people and one third where allians. -
the bataan Death March
this is when the japinese people traped os on the Bataan pininsula. then they made 10000 americans and 60000 phillipeno soldiers on a death martch. this lasted five days and five nights -
D Day is when the allied powers attacked the beaches of normandy. The forces were Merica, Canida, and Great Brittan. Hitler thought it was a trap so he didn't send reinforcments. aproximatly 2500 GI's died on the beaches of normady. 2600 paratroopers died and 3100 Germans died -
Auschwitz liberation
Auschwitz was liberated by the soviot union. the soviot union was going threw poland. then they saw it then they freed the Jews. -
Raising the flag on mount Suribachi
we raised the flag on mount Suribachi. this was the turning point of the war. after the flag was raised americans were happy and joined for the war. -
Bombing of Hiroshima
we boambed Hiroshema with little boy. this was the first atomic boam we ever used on an other ountery. this was the smoller of the two