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World War 1 (WWI)

  • Archduke Ferdinand Assassinated

    Archduke Ferdinand Assassinated
    Archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo, Austria by an assassin sent to kill him in order to gain land. This event led to Germany attacking Belgium and France.
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    During WWI, the first tanks, aircrafts, aircraft carriers and X-rays were used.
  • The Sinking of Lusitania

    The Sinking of Lusitania
    German U-boats sunk ships going to England and America. On May 7, a German U-boat caused Lusitania to sink. More than 100 American people died.Germany said they put warnings on U.S. newspapers telling passengers to stay off ships heading to the war zone. Germans also say the ship was carrying supplies for England.
  • The Zimmermann Telegram

    The Zimmermann Telegram
    In January of 1917, Germany thought the United States was not prepared to join the war. German Leader Arthur Zimmermann sent a telegram to Mexico asking the country to start a border war with the United States. In return, Germany would give back U.S. territory that originally been Mexico territory. The English got a copy and decoded it. It was sent to Wilson and was then put in U.S. newspapers showing Germany was their enemy. Later, Germany sunk three more American ships.
  • The United States Enters the War

    The United States Enters the War
    The United States entered the war in 1917. At first, they stayed neutral because immigrants from both the Allied Powers and the Central Powers were coming to the U.S. They joined the Allied powers made up of France, the United Kingdom and Russia. They were against the Central Powers which was Austria-
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    After years of war, Germany finally surrenders. They surrendered because they saw there were no enemies within their borders and still had troops in enemy territory. There was no hope in winning the war so they surrendered.
  • After the War

    After the War
    After Germany's surrender, many soldiers came home to families. Now that they were not in war, veterans struggled to rebuild their lives. The U.S. government promoted soldiers in a few ways to get them hired for jobs.