
World War 1 Timeline

By Riyan.Z
  • Thee assassination of arch duke Franz Ferdinand

    Thee assassination of arch duke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to dying by means of a Bosnian Serb nationalist at some point of an legitimate visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The killings sparked a sequence of activities that brought about the outbreak of global conflict I through early August.
  • The start of WW1

    The start of WW1
    World War I begins when Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • The WW1 alliance

    The WW1 alliance
    Germany publicizes war on Russia, France, and Belgium. Britain publicizes battle on Germany. Austria broadcasts war on Russia. Montenegro announces war on Austria. France publicizes warfare on Austria. Britain declares battle on Austria. Montenegro publicizes conflict on Germany. Japan publicizes battle on Germany. Austria pronounces struggle on Belgium.
  • Battle of the Frontiers

    Battle of the Frontiers
    The Battle of the Frontiers comprised five offensives launched under French Commander-in-Chief Joseph Joffre and German Chief of Staff Helmuth von Moltke's initiative during the first month of the war, August 14-24 1914.
  • The battle of ypres

    The battle of ypres
    Fought at the Western front around Ypres, the struggle lasted for a month. It was part of the first warfare of Flanders. German, French, Belgian armies and the British Expeditionary pressure fought from Arras in France to Nieuport on the Belgian coast. The preventing become so fierce that historians later divided it into 5 stages.
  • Declaration of war

    Declaration of war
    Britain and France declare war on the Ottoman Empire.
  • The Dardanelles Campaign and Resignation of Church hill

    The Dardanelles Campaign and Resignation of Church hill
    The Dardanelles campaign changed into disastrous for the British. Hoping that a victory towards the Turks could turn the odds in their want, Franco-British forces released a naval assault on Turkish forces in the region of Dardanelles. The waters were closely mined and 10 Allied Battleships have been sunk and more were badly broken. The failure of the marketing campaign dealt a stunning blow to the popularity of British First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill, who submitted his resignation.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    The battle noticed the first mass use of poison gas by means of the German military at the Western the front. It marked the first time a former colonial force defeated a european electricity in Europe. The French sustained 6000 casualties.
  • Battle of verdun

    Battle of verdun
    The longest struggle of the first world conflict, it took place at the hills of Verdun in north-jap France. The battle turned into fought between the German and French armed forces at the Western the front. The strategy of the Germans turned into to inflict mass casualties on French forces. The warfare became a massive loss to the German forces, however, ensuing in popular Falkenhayne being sacked.
  • America enters the war

    America enters the war
    the us of the usa entered the primary world struggle in April, inflicting a shift within the balance of the battle. In March 1917, after Berlin sank five American ships, it forced the issue. President Wilson asked the Congress to vote on ‘a warfare to quit all wars’ and American troops began to arrive at the Western the front by way of 1918.
  • Operation Michael

    Operation Michael
    A main German offensive at some stage in the struggle, it turned into launched from the Hindenburg Line in France. The intention turned into to break thru the Allied forces and seize the Channel Ports, which supplied the British Expeditionary Forces. It consisted of numerous smaller battles, which includes the struggle of St. Quentin, the battle of Roseires and the warfare of Ancre. Over 75,000 British infantrymen were taken prisoner by means of the cease. The Allies lost 255,000 men.
  • Battle of St. Mihiel

    Battle of St. Mihiel
    One of the last major battles of the War, it involved the American Expeditionary Forces and the U.S. Army Air Service. It was the first and only offensive launched solely by the USA. The attack caught the Germans by surprise as they were retreating. It marked the first use of the term D-Day by the American forces. While it established the status of the U.S. Forces in the eyes of the Franco-British troops, the attack did not come to fruition. It did, however, lead to the Meuse-Argonne Offensive.
  • The Central Powers Surrender

    The Central Powers Surrender
    The so called “a hundred day offensive“ doesn’t confer with a selected war however to the fast Allied victories in opposition to German forces on the western front. The Germans were pressured to retreat taking their last army lodge on the Hindenburg Line, which consisted of 6 defensive strains, five kilometers deep and parallel to the Belgium border. the line could be breached on September 29 after excessive combating, forcing the Germans to retreat on a big scale.
  • Armistice

    After the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, the Armistice of November 11th turned into signed at Le Francport close to Compiegne. It correctly ended the preventing on land, sea and air in the First world warfare. It marked a victory for the Allies and a defeat for the German forces, although not a proper give up.
  • The war ends

    The war ends
    On June 28, 1919, five years to the day after Franz Ferdinand’s dying, Germany and the Allied Powers signed the Treaty of Versailles, formally marking the cease of global struggle I.