Boomer juice

World War 1 Timeline

  • Period: to

    World War 1 Timeline

  • The Shot Heard Around Europe

    The Shot Heard Around Europe
    The spark of World War One, was the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Duchess Sophie. The two were touring around Bosnia. The assassination was taken claim by a nationalist group From Serbia Named the Black Hand. They assassinated him because Bosnia had a lot of Serbian and Serbia believe that Austria shouldn’t have control of Bosnia we should.
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    Germany wanted to bring down France before Russia had mobilized their troops. France and Britain quickly made a counter-Attack before Germany could make much ground. After 4 days of intense fighting Germany had to retreat. This was the first battle of the war leading to a loss for Germany and a victory for the allies. After Russia had mobilized leading to the first battle on the western front; The Battle of Tannenberg broke out giving a victory to the Germans.
  • The Central Powers Vs. The Entente

    The Central Powers Vs. The Entente
    By the end of 1915 Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgarians, and the Ottoman Empire made more than just France, Britain and Russia angry. The Entente was made up of 8 countries at this point. France, Britain, Russia, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, and Japan. The War was already an uphill battle for the Central powers; How could they possibly make it worse?. Well around this time Germany went back to sinking ships with sub-Marines causing the death of 128 US citizens raising tensions in the US.
  • Char d’Assault Schneider

    Char d’Assault Schneider
    The Char d’Assault Schneider was France's first separation from self-propelled Guns. The Tank was made in 1916. the tanks main flaw was it’s long hull and shot tracks. This caused them to be stuck in trenches quite often. The main gun was a 75mm there were also 2 8mm hotchkiss M1914s could fit 7 people.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman telegram was a telegram from Foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann. The massage was meant to be sent to minister of Germany before going to Mexico. The message asked that Mexico joined the German cause. However the telegram was intercepted by the British. Britain then showed it to the US hoping this would give the allied powers another fight force to use. Jan. 1917
  • Shipping out to England

    Shipping out to England
    Frank Woodruff Buckles was being shipped to England. Causal troops first (unassigned) would go straight to France. many of the officers and some men were on board during the rescuing of the titanic. sent to relive the 6th marines in Winchester. While in Winchester he was trying to get to France. Woodruff wanted to go to France. Snuck on to a ship to France by falling in line to go to France however he missed the time to go. and the others were caught and they were punished for it.
  • Sturmpanzerwagen Oberschlesien Prototype

    Sturmpanzerwagen Oberschlesien Prototype
    This prototype was meant to have a crew of 5. max speed was to be 5 mphs max range was supposed to be 37miles. the tank had 1 37mm or 57mm main gun in turret. and 2 7.92mm machine guns. The tank was going to be used at the front lines, tank vs tank, and infantry support. lastly this tank was never finished so none were made however if the war was to have continued it would have been used.
  • The FIAT 2000

    The FIAT 2000
    The FIAT 2000 had a crew of 10, had a 65mm main gun, and six 6.5mm machines guns. The tank weighs 40 tons. had a max speed of 4 mph and a max range of 47 miles. The tank was and AVF (see the Medium Mark C). They only made two of the FIAT 2000 were made giving a nod to how expensive they were.
  • The M1917 6-ton

    The M1917 6-ton
    The M1917 6-ton despite its name was used in 1918. The American tank was a 2 man crew, with 1 37mm M1916 canon or 1 M1919 7.62 machine guns. This tank is a complete misnomer it weighs 7 tons.max speed of 5 mph and max range of 30 miles.Uses were infantry support, tank vs tank, and reconnaissance.
  • Medium Mark C (hornet)

    Medium Mark C (hornet)
    The Medium Mark C was used later in the war than most other tanks of its time in 1918. The tanks was meant to be Armoured Fighting Vehicle; Also used to break stalemates. The crew was 4 people, it had 4 or 5 x 7.7 mm Hotchkiss machine guns. It’s speed was 8 mph and had a range of 75 miles. The Medium Mark C was a British tank.
  • Going AWOL

    Going AWOL
    Ritz Carlton Hotel in Biarritz Postcards pictures of the place postman who gave him male on stilts. had a glass of wine and He had cigarettes. He wasn’t going to go back because he still had his money but he decided to go back. Every server in the hotel came in to see him. we he got back He was disciplined for being AWOL The LT enjoyed the story that he wished to have gone with him it didn’t go on his record as an infraction.
  • Taking Prisoners Back to Germany

    Taking Prisoners Back to Germany
    When they would stop he would get some exercise and he missed his coach car ones and a prisoner lifted him up. The prisoner that lifted him up was shot and years later; He asked for pictures of the coffee plantations. The guy who gave him the picture talked about a prison guard shooting on the train.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed November 11 1919 in Paris, France. The treat has fifteen parts and 440 articles rewriting Germany’s boundaries. Also made Germany liable for the war and have to pay for restoration of all places in Europe. The treaty
    was written by the allied powers, parts 1 made a new league of Nation that Germany Couldn’t join will 1926. Part two gave the winning countries more land that was once Germany’s.
  • Honorable Discharge

    Honorable Discharge
    Date Nov. 13. 1919. Signed off on by Rayburns Engles. He started serving on June 18 1912. He was discharged November 13 1919. Discharged for Faithful service.
  • Returning to civilian life

    Returning to civilian life
    Woodruff came back from overseas on the Pocahontas. After being in the army for over three years it was a new life to him. when he was 15 he was treated like an adult and when he came back to be independent. The quickest way to get a job was to go to business school and take type writing. The YMCA gave
    a free 1 month membership and that is the only reward he received upon coming back.