World War 1 Timeline

  • American Medics Form Alliance with The French Army

    American Medics Form Alliance with The French Army
    American Ambulance Field Service is recognized within the French Army. Before and after this date American men and women volunteer to assist the wounded of France, Britain and Belgium in the war
  • RMS Lusitania Sunk by Germany

    RMS Lusitania Sunk by Germany
    The ocean liner RMS Lusitania is sunk by a submarine of the Imperial German Navy causing the death of nearly 1200 passengers and crew, among them 128 Americans.
  • The Lafayette Escadrille is established.

    The Lafayette Escadrille is established.
    A French aviation unit largely made up of pilots from the United States. They, and those of the Lafayette Flying Corps, fly as combat pilots for France before the United States enters the war. Other Americans also fly in other Allied air services.
  • President Woodrow Wilson Re-elected

  • U.S Severs Diplomatic Relations with Germany

    United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany and President Wilson cites unrestricted submarine warfare as a threat to freedom of the seas.
  • U.S Declares War on Germany

    President Wilson demands, and the U.S. Senate approves a Declaration of War against Germany.
  • Conscription of American Men to WW1 Begins

    The Selective Service Act is enacted to allow conscription of American men for military service.
  • First American Soldier Killed

    First American Soldiers killed in action. Three soldiers of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division are killed during a German trench raid on their position at Bathelemont.
  • Influenza Begins to Spread in America

    The first report of Influenza at Camp Funston, a center of mobilization in Kansas. The pandemic will kill between 20 and 30 million worldwide.
  • Germany, the United States, and the Allied Powers sign Treaty of Versailles, the peace treaty that ends World War One.

  • Germany Ratifies the Treaty of Versailles.

  • World War One Ends

  • The United States Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles