Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Period: to
Austria declared war on Serbia
The Austrian government blamed the Serbian government for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife and declared war on Serbia. -
Germany declared war on Russia
Germany declared war on France
German troops went into Belgium as directed under the Schleiffen Plan -
British declaration of war
Germany did not withdraw from Belgium and Britain declared war on Germany -
Japan declared war on Germany
Japan declared war on Germany through her alliance with Great Britain -
Russian army defeated at Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes
Russia declared war on Turkey
Because of the help given by Turkey to the German attack of Russia, Russia declared war on Turkey -
Britain and France declared war on Turkey
Britain and France and Russia's allies, declared war on Turkey, because of the help given to the German. -
Second Battle of Ypres
Poison gas was used for the first time during this battle. The gas, fired by the Germans claimed many British casualties. -
Allied troops landed in Gallipoli
Italy entered the war
The Allies started the evacuation of Gallipoli
Romania enter the war
First Aeroplane raid
The first German air raid on London took place -
Lloyd George Prime Minister
Lloyd George became Prime Minister of the war time coalition. -
New war commander
Lloyd George, who had never trusted his war minister's ability to direct the war (sorry i didnt know the exact date) -
USA declares war on Germany
The United States of America declared war on Germany in response to the sinking, by German U boats, of US ships. -
W. Front Cambrai
The British took a large force of tanks across the barbed wire and machine gun posts at Cambrai -
British tanks won a victory at Cambrai
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
RAF formed
The Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service were merged to form the Royal Air Force -
Allies recover France and Belgium
The allies had taken almost all of German-occupied France and part of Belgium -
Armistice with Turkey
Hindenberg line collapsed
By the beginning of November the allies had pushed the Germans back beyond the Hindenberg line. -
Kaiser abdicated
Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated -
Germany signed an peace treaty with the Allies – the official date of the end of World War One.
At 11 am, in the French town of Redonthes, the Armistice was signed bringing the war to an end.