
World War 1 Timeline

  • (eu) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo

    (eu) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo
    On this day, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was shot by Gavrilo Princip. Many think that this event was the first spark for WWI, and which would grow due to entangling alliances.
  • (eu) Germany Invades and Declares War on France

    (eu) Germany Invades and Declares War on France
    Germany declared war on France because ultimately, they wanted to declare war on Russia. However, because France is allies with Russia, Germany knew France would honor the alliance. So, Germany decided to invade France first, so they wouldn't be a problem when Germany invaded Russia.
  • (us and eu) President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality

    (us and eu) President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality
    On this day, President Woodrow Wilson declared a US policy of Neutrality. During this time, World War 1 was going on and it was a big deal that the United States, a country with a lot of power, chose to remain neutral.
  • (eu) Britain Declares War on Germany

    (eu) Britain Declares War on Germany
    Britain declared war on Germany because Germany was invading Poland, Britain, and France,
  • (eu) Britain and France Declare War on the Ottoman Empire

    (eu) Britain and France Declare War on the Ottoman Empire
    On this day, Britain and France had declared war on the Ottoman Empire, thus adding more to the existing war.
  • (us and eu) Sinking of the Lusitania

    (us and eu) Sinking of the Lusitania
    On this day, the Lusitania sunk, killing 1,198 people, 128 of them being U.S citizens. This was a very important issue that many say led the U.S to participate in World War 1. However, President Woodrow Wilson initiated neutrality.
  • (eu) The Battle of Verdun Begins

    (eu) The Battle of Verdun Begins
    On this day, the Battle of Verdun would begin, and over the next 10 months, French and German armies suffer 700,000 casualties, with approximately 300,000 dead.
  • (us) The Election of Woodrow Wilson

    (us) The Election of Woodrow Wilson
    On this day, Woodrow Wilson was elected into presidency. He led the United States through WW1and is thought of as one of the nation's best presidents.
  • (us) The US Receives the Zimmerman Note

    (us) The US Receives the Zimmerman Note
    On this day, the United States received the Zimmerman Note, which proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico.
  • (us and eu) Wilson Asks for the Declaration of War

    (us and eu) Wilson Asks for the Declaration of War
    On this day, President Woodrow Wilson asked for the declaration of war. He wanted to send US troops into battle against Germany in WW1.
  • (us and eu) The United States Declares War

    (us and eu) The United States Declares War
    On this day, the United States officially entered WW1, which was a big deal because America was one of the leading world powers.
  • (us) Foundation of the Committee on Public Information

    (us) Foundation of the Committee on Public Information
    On this day, the Committee on Public Information was created. It was created to influenced public opinion to support US participation in WWI
  • (us) The War Industries Board was Created

    (us) The War Industries Board was Created
    On this day, the War Industries Board was created. The WIB coordinated the purchase of war supplies between the navy department and the war department.
  • (us) Congress passes the Espionage Acts (1917)

    (us) Congress passes the Espionage Acts (1917)
    On this day, Congress passed the Espionage Acts, which made it illegal to say any bad things about the U.S. government, soldiers, or harm the United States
  • (us and eu) Spanish Influenza 1918

    (us and eu) Spanish Influenza 1918
    In early January 1918, an unusually deadly influenza pandemic infected around 500 million people worldwide and obviously killed many of them.
  • (us and eu) Armistice 1918

    (us and eu) Armistice 1918
    On this day, this armistice was signed ending all fights on land, sea, and air.