Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
Section 1
Origins Of World War 1
War Begins -
Germany declares war on Russia
Section 1
The Deadliest War
War Begins -
Germany declares war on France
Section 1
The Deadliest War
War Begins -
Great Britain declares war on Germany
Section 1
The Deadliest War
War Begins -
The First Battle of Marne 9/5/1914 - 9/11/1914 -- This was the first significant win over Germany and the Germans were not able to take Paris
Section 3
Setbacks and Advances
Turning the Tide -
The Battle of Verdun 2/21/1916 - 12/16/1916 750,000 casualties for the Germans and French result from new Trench Warfare
Section 3
Setbacks and Advances
Battle of the Argonne Forest -
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin overthrew Tsar Nicholas ll in Russia - Unites States got closer to being able to enter the war
Section 1
Entering the War
Russian Revolution -
A communist state was established by Vladimir Lenin and he wanted Russia out of the war
Section 1
Entering the War
Russian Revolution -
The United States declares war on Germany
Section 1
Entering the War
Declaring War -
Russia signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to get Russia out of the war
Section 3
Setbacks and Advances
Russia makes peace -
The Battle of Belleau Wood 6/1/1918 - 6/26/1918 The U.S. won their first major battle against the Germans but suffered heavy casualties.
Section 3
Setbacks and Advances
Turning the Tide -
The Battle of Château Thierry -- Germans troupes got 50 miles away from the major city of Paris
Section 3
Setbacks and Advances
Turning the Tide -
The Battle of Argonne Forest 9/26/1918 - 11/11/1918 -- Allied forces advanced more into German territory and made the German defenses crumble
Section 3
Setbacks and Advances
Battle of the Argonne Forest -
Germans requested an armistice by Britain and France required Germany pull troupes out of the Western Front
Section 3
The Armistice
The Armistice -
Treaty of Versailles was rejected by Senate and the U.S. did not join the League of Nations
Section 4
Battle Over the League
Wilson’s Last Battle