World War 1 Timeline

  • Allies

    "Triple Entente" consisted of Britain, France, and Russia.
    The Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  • Central Powers

    Central Powers
    Germany and Austria-Hungary, with the Ottoman Empire- mostly Middle eastern lands controlled by the Turks.
  • 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke and his wife when they were visiting Bosnian capital Sarajevo, he was a member of the Black Hand.
  • Schlieffen Plan

    Schlieffen Plan
    Strategy planned by Germany to invade Russia- called for a holding action against Russia, combined with a quick drive through Belgium to Paris.
  • Germany blockades the North Sea

    Germany blockades the North Sea
    -Prevented American goods from reaching German ports
    - Germany found it increasingly difficult to import foodstuffs and fertilizers for crops
  • Sinking of British liner Lusitania

    Sinking of British liner Lusitania
    -Germany's response to the British blockades
    -Used U-boats to sink all ships found in the waters around Britain
    -1,198 lives lost, 128 of them were Americans
  • Sinking of British liner Arabic

    Sinking of British liner Arabic
    Despite the sinking of the British liner Lusitania, another U-boat sank another British liner, Arabic, drowning 2 Americans.
    The U.S. protested and Germany promised to stop sinking ships.
  • Sinking of French passenger liner Sussex

    Sinking of French passenger liner Sussex
    Germany broke their promise by sinking a French passenger streamer a year later; again the U.S. warned Germany, and they agreed to stop sinking ships but if the U.S. can't persuade Britain to lift its blockade then Germany would stop.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Fighting in trenches, fought for mere yards of ground, and lasted for over 3 years
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    British offensive, attempt to break through German lines
    British suffered 60,000 casualties on first day, total 1.2 million
  • Wilson's "Peace without victory speech"

    Wilson's "Peace without victory speech"
    In this speech Wilson announced in which neither side would impose harsh terms on the other, hoped all nations would join in a "league for peace" that would work to extend democracy, maintain freedom of the seas, and reduce armaments.
  • 369th Infantry Regiment

    369th Infantry Regiment
    This group saw more continuous duty on the front lines than any other American regiment.
  • American Expeditionary Force and General John J. Pershing

    American Expeditionary Force and General John J. Pershing
    Included men from widely separated parts of the country, Pershing urged that the AEF operate as an independent fighting force under American command, helped to stop German advance. He was made the General of the Armies.
  • Zimmermann note

    Zimmermann note
    A telegram from the German foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico, proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany and promised that if war broke out with the U.S., Germany would support Mexico.
  • Conscientious objector

    Conscientious objector
    A person who opposes warfare on moral grounds, pointing out that the Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill."
  • War Industries Board

    War Industries Board
    Leader: Bernard M. Baruch
    The board encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency and urged them to eliminate waste by standardizing products.
  • Committee on Public Information and the "four minute men"

    Committee on Public Information and the "four minute men"
    CPI (nation's first propaganda) is a biased communication designed to influence people's thoughts and actions.
    "Four minute men" were men who spoke about everything relating to the war: the draft, rationing, bond drives, etc.
  • Anti-German sentiment in America

    Anti-German sentiment in America
    Most bitter attacks were directed to nearly 2 million Americans who were in Germany, many Americans who had German last names lost their jobs, orchestras refused to play German artists, German named towns were changed, stopped teaching the German language, and libraries removed books written by German authors.
  • Emma Goldman

    Emma Goldman
    She received a 2-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine for organizing the No Conscription League and she was deported to Russia after her jail time.
  • Big Bill Haywood and IWW

    Big Bill Haywood and IWW
    Accused of sabotaging the war effort because they urged workers to strike for better conditions and higher pay; Haywood was sentenced to a long prison term.
  • Selective Service Act of 1917

    Selective Service Act of 1917
    The act required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service.
  • Espionage and Sedition Acts

    Espionage and Sedition Acts
    A person could be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced to 20 years in jail for interfering with the war effort or saying anything disloyal, profane, or abusive about the government or the war effort.
    Targeted socialists and labor leaders.
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    Second Battle of the Marne
    Tide turned against the Central Powers during the World War 1, U.S. helped stop the German advance at Cantigny in France.
    U.S. soldiers began to mount offensives against the Germans at Saint-Mihiel and in the Meuse-Argonne area.
  • Convoy System

    Convoy System
    A heavy guard of destroyers escorted merchant ships back and forth across the Atlantic in groups, American Vice Admiral convinced the British to try this tactic.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolsheviks led by Lenin and Trotsky overthrew the provisional government and set up a Communist state and sought peace with the Central Powers.
  • Wilson's Fourteen Points

    Wilson's Fourteen Points
    1) There should be no secret treaties among nations
    2) Freedom of the seas should be maintained for all
    3) Tariffs and other economic barriers among nations should be lowered or abolished in order to foster free trade
    4) Arms should be reduced "to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety, thus lessening the possibility of military responses" during diplomatic crises
    5) Colonial policies should consider the interests of the colonial peoples as well as the interests of the imperialist powe
  • Cease-fire and armistice

    Cease-fire and armistice
    Cease fire- stop fighting
    Armistice- truce
  • National War Labor Board

    National War Labor Board
    Established by President Wilson, motto: "work or fight."
    Worked to improve factory conditions, pushed 8 hour workday, promoted safety inspections, and enforced the child labor ban.
  • Food Administration

    Food Administration
    To help produce and conserve food
    President Wilson called on people to follow the "gospel of the clean plate, declared one day a week, meatless, sweetless, wheatless, and porkless.
  • Raising money for the war

    Raising money for the war
    Raised 1/3 of the money through taxes, including a progressive income tax, a war-profits tax, and a higher excise taxes on tobacco, liquor, or on luxury goods and the rest through "Liberty Loan" and "Victory Loan."
  • Eugene V. Debs arrest

    Eugene V. Debs arrest
    Handed a 10-year prison sentence for speaking out against the war and the draft.
  • Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies

    Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies
    Germans were too exhausted to keep fighting, signed a armistice.
  • Establishment of the German Republic

    Establishment of the German Republic
    Socialist leaders in the capital, Berlin, established a German republic; mutiny spread quickly throughout Germany.
  • Reparations and the war Guilt Clause

    Reparations and the war Guilt Clause
    Reparations were war damages.
    The war-guilt clause forced Germany to admit sole responsibility for starting WWI and Germany was stripped of its colonial possessions in the Pacific
  • Agreements made in the Treaty of Versailles

    Agreements made in the Treaty of Versailles
    • Established 9 new nations
    • Shifted the boundaries of other nations
    • Barred Germany from maintaining an army
    • Required Germany to return the region of Alsace-Lorraine to France and pay the war damages to the Allies
  • Shell shock, trench foot, and trench mouth

    Shell shock, trench foot, and trench mouth
    Shell shock- a term used during WW1 to describe a complete emotional collapse from which many never recovered.
    trench foot- caused by standing in cold wet trenches for long periods of time w/o changing into dry socks or boots
    trench mouth- a painful infection of the gums and throat