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World War 1- semester project

  • Archduke Assassination

    Archduke Assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo. His death is the event that sparks World War I.
  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    Germany invades Belgium, beginning World War I
  • Germans Fire

    Germans Fire
    The Germans fire shells filled with chlorine gas at Allied lines. This is the first time that large amounts of gas are used in battle, and the result is the near-collapse of the French lines. However, the Germans are unable to take advantage of the breach.
  • Germany Limits Submarines

    Germany Limits Submarines
    Reacting to international outrage at the sinking of the Lusitania and other neutral passenger lines, Kaiser Wilhelm suspends unrestricted submarine warfare. This is an attempt to keep the United States out of the war, but it severely hampers German efforts to prevent American supplies from reaching France and Britain.
  • First Tanks

    First Tanks
    The British employ the first tanks ever used in battle, at Delville Wood. Although they are useful at breaking through barbed wire and clearing a path for the infantry, tanks are still primitive and they fail to be the decisive weapon, as their designers thought they would be.
  • U.S. Enters War

    U.S. Enters War
    Congress authorizes a declaration of war against Germany. The United States enters World War I on the side of France and Britain.
  • Harry Frieman

    Harry Frieman
    Drafted and sent to Camp Meade, Md
  • Germany and Russia Peace

    Germany and Russia Peace
    The Germans sign a peace treaty with the new Bolshevik government of Russia. The terms of the treaty give Germany huge tracts of land that had been the Ukraine and Poland, and peace on the Eastern Front allows Germany to shift soldiers to the Western Front, causing serious problems for the French, British, and Americans.
  • Battle of Belleau Wood

    Battle of Belleau Wood
    The Battle of Belleau Wood begins as the U.S. Marine Corps attacks the Germans across an open field of wheat, suffering huge casualties.
  • Belleau Wood Ends

    Belleau Wood Ends
    The Battle of Belleau Wood ends with the final expulsion of the Germans from the wood, which marks the farthest German advance on Paris. The area has changed hands six times during the three-week battle, which has caused nearly 10,000 American casualties
  • Harry Frieman

     Harry Frieman
    Arrived at Jersey City 4 a.m. Aboard Ferry Boat 6 a.m. Left for Hoboken 7:30 a.m.
  • Harry Frieman

    Harry Frieman
    Abandon ship 6 p.m all on deck and played as boat pulled out at 6:20 p.m. One torpedo boat destroyer convoy with us first night out on boat 9 p.m
  • Harry Frieman

    Harry Frieman
    Arrive station 7 a.m Marched two hours to Cerilly-Slept in stable- Drank wine for first time
  • Harry Frieman

    Harry Frieman
    Aeroplane raids on both sides, plane shot down- near verdun
  • War ends

    War ends
    The last day of World War One was November 11th 1918, known as Armistice Day. Despite November 11th being the last day of the war, on many parts of the Western Front fighting continued as normal. This meant, of course, that casualties occurred even as the people of Paris, London and New York were celebrating the end of the fighting