
World War 1 Final Project By: Nathan Caro, Chris Henriquez, Aileen Martinez

  • The Second Battle of Ypres begins

    The Second Battle of Ypres begins
    The German army began chemical warfare by launching a chlorine attack on allied trenches including France and Algeria.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip
    Franz Ferdinand was the next person to rule the Austro- Hungarian Empire but was assassinated because several nationalists wanted Bosnia and Herzegovina to be free of the Austro-Hungarian rule.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II pledged support to Germany if war were to break out.

    Kaiser Wilhelm II pledged support to Germany if war were to break out.
    Austria-Hungary waited to declare war because they wanted Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany to support their cause.
  • Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia which became the start of World War I.

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia which became the start of World War I.
    When the war was declared against Serbia things worsened for many countries within a week’s time span.
  • Period: to

    World War 1 (Work Cited)

    History.com Editors. “World War I.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 29 Oct. 2009, www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/world-war-i-history.
    “The UK National Charity for History.” Historical Association, www.history.org.uk/.
    “Timeline of World War I.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/list/timeline-of-world-war-i.
  • German troops crossed the border into Belgium to attack Liege

    German troops crossed the border into Belgium to attack Liege
    German soldiers left the city of Liege obliterated and caused havoc amongst the people.
  • The Battle of Tannenberg lasts 4 days

    The Battle of Tannenberg lasts 4 days
    The Russians invade German-held Poland and East Prussia but encounter German and Austrian forces and are held still. This causes the Germans to move from their Western Front to their Eastern, contributing to the German loss in the First Battle of Marne.
  • The First Battle of the Marne was fought between the French, British, and Germans.

    The First Battle of the Marne was fought between the French, British, and Germans.
    French and British forces confronted the German army, 30 miles within Paris, and secured victory.
  • Britain and France declare war on the Ottoman Empire.

    Britain and France declare war on the Ottoman Empire.
    The Ottoman government hoped to strengthen its own war effort and promote rebellion among Muslim subjects of the British, French and Russian Empires by declaring a Jihad upon Britain and its allies.
  • The Gallipoli Campaign is unsuccessful

    The Gallipoli Campaign is unsuccessful
    Britain attempts a large-scale invasion of the Gallipolli Peninsula but fails and suffers 250,000 casualties.
  • The Battle of Isonzo begins and lasts for two weeks.

    The Battle of Isonzo begins and lasts for two weeks.
    The Italians had to fend off the Austrian-Hungarian army, as they were attacking the Italian front, along the Soca and the nearby mountains.
  • The Battle of Verdun was fought between the Germans and the French.

    The Battle of Verdun was fought between the Germans and the French.
    German forces claimed Fort Douaumont and Fort Vaux
  • The Battle of the Somme began

    The Battle of the Somme began
    Began as an Allied offensive against German forces on the Western Front and both sides lost a numerous amount of soldiers. About 1 million had been killed or wounded.
  • Tsar Nicholas II gives up the throne because of riots in the St. Petersburg

    Tsar Nicholas II gives up the throne because of riots in the St. Petersburg
    The Russian revolution was occurring at this time and the revolution relinquished the imperial government eventually giving power to Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
  • The United States joins WWI and declares war on Germany.

    The United States joins WWI and declares war on Germany.
    Woodrow Wilson ended his neutrality in the war because of Germany's practice of unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman Telegram.
  • A British attack in Cambrai, France marks the first large-scale use of tanks in the war.

    A British attack in Cambrai, France marks the first large-scale use of tanks in the war.
    The British took 7,500 prisoners from its surprise attack but were still driven back to their original positions.
  • The war causes the spread of the Spanish Flu.

    The war causes the spread of the Spanish Flu.
    The spread of the virus caused as much as 40% of the global population to be infected, including the soldiers at war.
  • President Wilson gives his “Fourteen Points” speech.

    President Wilson gives his “Fourteen Points” speech.
    The speech’s purpose was to describe the goals and peace terms of the war.
  • Russia declares separate peace with the Central Powers.

    Russia had to surrender its claim in Ukraine, the Polish and Baltic territories, and Finland.
  • The Germans launch their last offensive known as the Second Battle of Marne.

    The Germans launch their last offensive known as the Second Battle of Marne.
    The Germans launched the attack because of the lack of French troops, not knowing that in a few days some American troops would arrive. The Germans were eventually pushed back.
  • Germany and the Allies declare an armistice based on Wilson’s Fourteen Points.

    Revolution was becoming a threat to the Germans and the Allied Powers were on the verge of flanking the German defensive line.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is signed.

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed.
    This saw the peacemaking of Germany against all Allied Forces. People believed this would’ve been the “war to end all wars”
  • The Geneva Convention agreements are signed restricting the use of chemical and biological weapons.

    Because of the use of chemical weapons and bioweapons in WWI, the Geneva Convention agreements strictly issued why they should not be used.