World War 1

By NicoG
  • Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
    The Road to War ,
    Origins of War,
    War Begins
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    The Road to War,
    The Deadliest War,
    War Begins
  • Great Britain declares war on Germany

    Great Britain declares war on Germany
    The Road to War ,
    The Deadliest War,
    War Begins
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    The Road to War,
    The Deadliest war,
    War Begins
  • The Battle of Marne. Settled into a long stalemate which lasted 3 years

    The Battle of Marne. Settled into a long stalemate which lasted 3 years
    The Road to War,
    The Deadliest War,
    War Begins
  • Battle of Verdun. 1 million Americans fought

    Battle of Verdun. 1 million Americans fought
    Americans at War ,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Battle of the Argonne Forest
  • Tsar Nicholas II overthrown removing last obstacle for Americans to join the war

    Tsar Nicholas II overthrown removing last obstacle for Americans to join the war
    The Road to War,
    Entering the war,
    Russian Revolution
  • United states declares war on Central Powers

    United states declares war on Central Powers
    The Road to War,
    Entering the war,
    Declaring war
  • Vladimir Lenin set Russia on the road to Communism

    Vladimir Lenin set Russia on the road to Communism
    Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Russia Makes Peace
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litsovk, Russia and Germany signed a peace treaty

    The Treaty of Brest-Litsovk, Russia and Germany signed a peace treaty
    Russia and Germany signed a peace treaty
  • Battle of Belleau Wood, The first major battle of the war

    Battle of Belleau Wood, The first major battle of the war
    Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Turning the Tide
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry, one of the first battles of the American expeditionary force

    Battle of Chateau-Thierry, one of the first battles of the American expeditionary force
    Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Turning the Tide,
  • Battle of the Argonne Forest, was fought until the Armistice

    Battle of the Argonne Forest, was fought until the Armistice
    Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Battle of the Argonne Forest
  • Germany Sent Wilson an Armistice, Starting to talk about peace.

    Germany Sent Wilson an Armistice, Starting to talk about peace.
    Americans at war,
    The Armistice,
    A Harsh Armistice
  • The Treaty of Versailles, focused on punishing Germany

    The Treaty of Versailles, focused on punishing Germany
    Shaping the peace,
    Peace Conference in Paris,
    The Treaty of Versailles