World War 1

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    A man named Gavrilo Princip was unhappy at Franz. Franz was the archduke of Austria-Hungary. A group named the Black Hand and Gavroli Princip decided they wanted him dead, and Gavroli went ahead and killed him.
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Britain declares war on Germany
    The reason that Britain had declared war on Germany was all because Germany had attacked Belgium, France. Britain is the protector of Belgium at the time. Britain was upset at this and decided to step in.
  • The war in Africa

    The war in Africa
    Africa was a key area in the first World War. British and French forces invaded a German Wireless Station in Togoland called Kamina. German forces decided to destroy the station so that the Allied Forces wouldn't have control of it.
  • The Battle of Mons

    The Battle of Mons
    This battle was the British's first actual engagement in France. A German Kaiser had sent 160,000 troops to attack 70,000 British troops. The British troops had been outgunned and there were a lot of casualties.
  • The Battle of the Marne

    The Battle of the Marne
    The Germans are on their trek to Paris, France. The French and British soldiers pull of a successful counterattack on the Germans a long the River Marne. There are 250,000+ casualties on both sides.
  • The Siege of Tsintao

    The Siege of Tsintao
    In late autumn of 1914, British and Japanese forces team up and attack the port of Tsingtao, a German colony in China. The 23,000 Japanese soldiers conquer Tsingtao. Japan also takes over colonies owned by Germany(Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands).
  • First use of Poison Gas

    First use of Poison Gas
    In January of 1915 the Germans pulled out something really deadly. The Germans pulled out Poison Gas. The Poison Gas was so that the Germans could counter the trenches, and it ended up killing many people.
  • The sinking of the Lusitania

    The sinking of the Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a ship that had 128 Americans aboard. The Germans decided to come in and shoot a torpedo at it. The ship had sunk and America was being pushed to join the war.
  • Sergeant Stubby

    Sergeant Stubby
    Sergeant Stubby was known as the most decorated dog in World War 1. Stubby was the only dog to be promoted to Sergeant during World War 1. Stubby was actually used in combat, he would bark when there was gas due to a previous gas attack injury.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Germany decided to send a message to Mexico. The message was telling Mexico to attack the US. This message caused the Americans to enter the war.
  • Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Sunday

    Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Sunday
    Norvel had finally arrived at camp Travis. The group he was with had been there to pick up a few men. The men needed to be picked up to head out for their job, in the battlefield.
  • Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Wednesday

    Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Wednesday
    The men have an early schedule, they wake up at 5:45 a.m. They ate breakfast at 6:00 a.m. For the rest of the day the men would go to the Y.M.C.A and they would watch movies.
  • Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Monday

    Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Monday
    The men had another early morning. They woke up to go on a 4 mile hike to a stream. The stream was furnished by a well and they were going to go explore it.
  • Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Friday

    Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Friday
    Norvel got in a fight with a fellow soldier. The soldiers name is Dick Martin. Norvel ended up having a sore arm, due to one of the punches Dick had landed.
  • Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Thursday

    Norvel Preston Clotfelter Journal; Thursday
    Norvel describes his first rain in World War 1. It had started raining and lasted for a long time. Norvel said that it had rained so much.