World War 1 Battles

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    Battle of Marne

    The First Battle of the Marne started on September 5th was fought north-east of Paris, it was one of the earliest battles in the war. The battle was started between the French Army/British Expoditionary Force against the Germans. This war featured the first uses of radio intercepts and automotive use. The French allied army took down the Germans in the west.
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    Siege of Tsintao

    Began on the 18th of September in 1914 and ended on the 7th of November. It all began with a 24,000 men attack of Japanese and British on the Germans, and the Germans held them off for about 2 months until falling. Not very many deaths took place with 1,800 from Japan, 700 from Germany, and about 70 from the British. Tsingtao was a very important piece of land for the Germans and it was a big victory for Japan.
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    First Battle of Ypres

    The Battle of Ypres began on October 19th and lasted until November 30th and it was a battle between British, French, and Belgian against the Germans. The battle was to see who would recieve authority of the English Channel. Both sides fought until weather conditions became to intense to continue, and later on the second and third battles of Ypres came into play.
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    Battle of Tanga

    Another short battle was the Battle of Tanga which lasted just 2 days starting on November 3rd of 1914. It was an unsucceful attack by the British/Indian forces in German East Africa. Colonel Paul von Lettow Vorbeck became a hero by not allowing the attack to take over the harbor. This battle is also called The Battle of the Bees.
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    Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun was the longest lasting battle in WW1 lasting from February 21st to December 18th. The battle was a plan to make German general Phillippe Petain a hero. Lasting about 10 months experts predict that the soldiers went through about 60 million shells of ammo resulting in over 600,000 deaths. Four months into the battle, around 130,000 men were lost to both the French and Germans.
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    Battle of Rafa

    The Battle of Rafa was a one day battle fought on January 9th, 1918. It was the last of three battles to completely recapture the Sinai Peninsula by British force. The battle killed 71 British and injured 415. The Turks had lost 200 men and over 1,000 were captured leaving only a 2,000 man army for the Turks.
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    Battle of Megido

    The Battle of Megido began on September 19th and lasted until the 25th and was one of the shorter battles of the war. The battle was fought between Egyptian forves under the rule of Thutmose III against the Brits. It started with a British invasion on Palestine and they out numbered the Turks nearly 2 to 1. During the battle the British took nearly 25,000 Turks as prisoners.