World War 1

By Kwebb05
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    In June Archduke went to Sarajevo to inspect the armed forces. Archduke and his wife Sophie were shot to death, by a Bosnian Serb. It all happened during a nationalist visit to the Bosnian capital. The killings have triggered a series of events that had led to the outbreak.
  • First battle of the Marne

    First battle of the Marne
    It was a battle that was fought in the north and east of Paris. This battle has also featured the very first use of radio intercepts but not only that but also automotive transport during wartime for the troops. There was a gap opened up between the Germans first and also second Armies by Joseph’s Maunoury French sixth Army. Maunoury exploited the gap with lots of help from the fellow British Expeditionary Force but also the French Fifth Army.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    German U-boat torpedoed the British steamship. It killed 128 Americans but also 1,195 other people. This disaster has caused religions to strain which was between German and the United States. They has fueled up anti-German, which has set off a long chain of events which has sooner or later led to a chain of events that led to entering the United States.
  • Battle Of The Somme

    Battle Of The Somme
    It all started when the Allies became offensive against the German forces. More than 19,000 soldiers were killed during this battle just on the first day. Total all together, by the end of the war more than 3 million soldiers have fought in the war from both sides. There were also more than 1 million soldiers who have been killed or wounded.
  • Grover Carter

    Grover Carter
    Left London, Arrived at Boulogne, got picked up at St. Martins c
    Camp, was his first night in the tents
  • Grover Carter

    Grover Carter
    Left for the trenches, the small unit got gased, stopped at 2 dressing stations, up and down trenches for 2 to 3 miles
  • Grover Carter

    Grover Carter
    Railroad Traffic Officer was reported, couldn't tell where it was, Lorrie had nothing to eat since the night before, had a severe headache
  • Grover Carter

    Grover Carter
    was a very very cold day, the bosche received heavy shelling, got a letter from home from almost a month ago
  • Grover Carter

    Grover Carter
    Divisional sports, wrestling, horse jumps, tug of war, all the guests were the sisters from C.C.C.