World War 1 and Cold War

  • Period: to

    World war 1

  • japan invades china

    there was small scale fighting between them since 1931. china joined the allies and declared war on japan. japan invaded china and there was much fighting 90 percent of the casualties in the pacific.
  • Germany invades poland

    The somewhat feeble alliance between Germany and the soviet union accounted for the invasion of poland through blitzkreig tactics. this led to germany and the soviet spliting poland... Non agression pact?
  • THe Batle of Britain

    THe Batle of Britain
    germany attempted to invade the RAF. They were unsuccesful this led to the them not invading britain this was a turning point in the world.
  • tripartite pact

    berlin pact was an agreement between Italy, Japan, and germany to become allies..
  • lend lease act,

    known as an act to promote the defense of the united states. gave allies military supplies food oil and other materials for four years
  • The siege of leningrad

    leningrad blockade. this was an attempt to force the city of leningrad into submission by not allowing any food and resources to enter which would ultimately lead to death. leningrad was responsible for eleven percent of the industrial output of the soviet by 1939
  • German blitzkrieg

    lightining war. Hitler attacked vulnerable soviet union without any warning. It was done swiftly and efficiently. yet hitler did not account for the soviet union.s winters. Russia also had an infinte amount of manpower. officialy defeated in february 1943
  • Bombing of pearl Harbor

    this was a surprise military strike luanched by the Imperial japanase Navy towards the united states. This was the Greatest act of Agression towrads the U.S up to that date.
  • wannsee confrence

    confrence that was to decide the final fate of the jews
  • Battle of midway

    crucial naval battle between us and japansese navy. very decisive win for us
  • Mao Zedong

    formerc chairman of communist party of china. was a revolutionary ordered severe communist regime.
  • Normandy landings ( D Day0

    allowed for the liberation of western portion of europe. freed france from nazi control during this time
  • Yalta conference

    this was also known as the Crimea confrence. this was a meeting set up to discuss what to do with Europe post the world war. Europe was in a state of truama and needed outside forces to intervene.
  • okinawa

    largest amphibious battle lasted for 82 days. US allies were island hoping islands and approached the large island of okinawa
  • Hitler's suicide

    after going into hiding while the war was coming to the end. Hitler shoots himsled in Fuhrerbumker in Berlin.
  • ve day

    national hooliday that marks the surrender of the Nazi party. known as victory in Europe.
  • potsdam confrence

    potsdam confrence
    this event was held to decide what punishments were applicable to the fallen Nazi Germany . The soviet union, united states, and the united kingdom were present.
  • atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaku

    first use of atomic bomb. devestated japan to the point where they surrendered. first use of nuclear warfare. essentially ended the world war
  • VJ day

    This was the official surrender of Japan ceasing world war. it was done aboard the Uss Missouri
  • formation of the U.N

    was created to ensure oppresion of axis powers. consisted of 26 countries and was done in washington
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman attempts to eradicate the spread of communism by offering refuge to turkey and greece. it essentially stated economic assistance to every nation under sanction from outside forces particularly russia
  • Marshall plan

    effort to help rebuild european economies by giving them 17 billion dollars.
  • Nato

    treaty between north atlantic countries that essentially says if one is attacked they will come to the aid of the persecuted.
  • Korean war

    first military action of the cold war. north Korea of south korea repelled. the battle was essentiallu fought between china and the united states along with the U.N. China supported north korea as south korea was supported by the opposing United states.
  • warsaw pact

    defensive treaty among eight communist states of central and eastern europe ithat was made in the cold war was a military reaction based upon the initiaion of west germany.
  • vietnam war

    war that was fought between the communist viet kongs of north vietnam whos pricipal was a communist regime aided by chinese counterparts in an effort to suspend vietnam into a single communist state.. the united states supported south vietnam. war lasted for approximately 19 years.

    sputnik... Russia sends a metal sphere into space that has the capabilities of transmittinf radio frequencies..... not a good thing for the U.S at that time
  • khrushchev

    takes office after stalins death.. suffered a seizure. nikita lead for approximately 8 years.
  • bay of pigs

    cuban invasion. castro overthrows fulgencio. and gains power of Cuba
  • Berlin Wall

    this seperated east berlin from west berlin. east berlin was communist and started the construction.
  • cuban missle crisis

    The soviet union was holding place in cuba with their missles and threathned to use them on the United states. This led to international conflict with cuba that has not been resolved up to this point.
  • gorbachev

    eight and last leader of soviet union. former statesmen. served as the general secretary of the communist party of the S.U
  • fall of soviet union

    11 states apart of the soviet union said they would no longer be apart of the soviet regime.