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World War 1

  • Austria-Hungary Declaring war on to Serbia in July 28, 1914

    Austria-Hungary Declaring war on to Serbia in July 28, 1914
    • The Road to War
    • The Deadliest War
    • War Begins
  • On July 29, 1914 Austria- Hungary Declared War on Spain

    On July 29, 1914 Austria- Hungary Declared War on Spain
    -The Road To War
    -Origins of World War 1
    -War Begins
  • Germany Declaring war on Russia on August 1, 1914

    Germany Declaring war on Russia on August 1, 1914
    -The Road to War
    - Entering War
    - The Lusitania
  • France entering the War in August 3 with Germany declaring war on them

    France entering the War in August 3 with Germany declaring war on them
    -Road to War
    -War Begins
    -The Deadliest War
  • The First Battle of the Marne -German forces push close to Paris and are stalemated by Allies Forces

    The First Battle of the Marne  -German forces push close to Paris and are stalemated by Allies Forces
    -The Road to War
    -The Deadliest War
    - War Begins
  • Russia entering the War in March 17, 1917

    Russia entering the War in March 17, 1917
    -The Road to War
    - Entering the War
    - Russian Revolution
  • A Revolution in Russia removed the final obstacle to America’s entry. March 1917

    A Revolution in Russia removed the final obstacle to America’s entry. March 1917
    -The Road to War
    -Entering the War
    -Russian Revolution
  • On April 2nd, Wilson asked congress to declare war against Central Powers

    On April 2nd, Wilson asked congress to declare war against Central Powers
    • The Road to War
    • Entering the War
    • Declaring War
  • Central Powers scored a major victory against the Italy at Caporetto,1917 -Austria-Hungary and Germany defeat Italian forces at Caporetto

    Central Powers scored a major victory against the Italy at Caporetto,1917 -Austria-Hungary and Germany defeat Italian forces at Caporetto
    Americans at War
    -Setbacks and Advances
    - American expeditionary force
  • Period: to

    The First Battle of the Marne 1914,Early September -German forces push close to Paris and are stalemated by Allies Forces

    -Americans at War
    -Setbacks and Advances
    - American expeditionary force
  • Lenin Intended to set Russia on the road to Communism November 7, 1917

     Lenin Intended to set Russia on the road to Communism November 7, 1917
    -Americans At War
    -Setbacks and Advances
    -Russia Makes Peace
  • Second Battle of the Marne 1918,mid-July -German forces pushed into Paris but were rejected

     Second Battle of the Marne 1918,mid-July -German forces pushed into Paris but were rejected
    -Americans at War
    -Turning the Tide
    -Setbacks And Advances
  • Battle of Verdun, 1918,September,Allied forces pushed forward along the line from the North sea to Verdun

    Battle of Verdun, 1918,September,Allied forces pushed forward along the line from the North sea to Verdun
    -Americans at War
    -Setbacks and Advances
    -Battle Of Argonne Forest
  • Battle Of the Argonne Forest

    Battle Of the Argonne Forest
    -Americans at War
    -Battle of the Argonne Forest
    -Setbacks And Advances
  • German leaders decided to seek an Armistice or a cease fire

    German leaders  decided to seek an Armistice or a cease fire
    • Americans at War
    • The Armistice
    • Battle of the Argonne Forest
  • On June 28, 1919 German delegates reluctantly signed the Treaty

    On June 28, 1919 German delegates reluctantly signed the Treaty
    • Americans at War
    • Peace Conference in Paris -The Treaty of Versailles