Us declares war

World War 1

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand(EU)

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand(EU)
    The archduke of Austria-Hungary and his wife was killed by a member of the Serbian nationalist group called the "black hand" This event ultimately caused the War to start.
  • Germany Declares War on France (EU)

    Germany Declares War on France (EU)
    France and Russia had been in an alliance, Germany had recently declared war on Russia and soon after Germany also declared war onto France.
  • Britain Declares war on Germany(EU)

    Britain Declares war on Germany(EU)
    Germany was on their way to France to attacked, but also attacked Belgium who was neutral country, meaning that they were not participating in the war. Britain didn't like the actions that the Germans took so they decided to step in.
  • Christmas Truce(EU)

    Christmas Truce(EU)
    An unofficial cease fire between the english and german forces. The soldiers sang each other carols and exchanged gifts to each other. Though there was festive joy the soldiers also had to collect the body of the other fallen soldiers.
  • Sinking of Lusitania (US/EU)

    Sinking of Lusitania (US/EU)
    German subs sunk the British ship, killing 1,128 people and 128 Americans. The ship carried passengers from American to Europe but also carried supplies and weapons to aid Britain for war. This even outraged a lot of Americans because Americans aboard that ship were killed and fueled anti
  • Election of Woodrow Wilson (US)

    Election of Woodrow Wilson (US)
    American Presidential election where Woodrow Wilson, a democrat defeated Charles Even Hughes a republican. Wilson campaigned by “New Freedom” and keeping the United States out of war.
  • Zimmerman Note (US/EU)

    Zimmerman Note (US/EU)
    Germany announced unrestricted submarine warfare.They ask Mexico to support them in return for getting their territory back. U.S receives this note in march from the British. Eventually causes America to go to war after Germany sank American merchant vessels.
  • Wilson asks for a Declaration of War(US)

    Wilson asks for a Declaration of War(US)
    Wilson asks congress for permission to go into war. After doing so he then tries to recruit people to join the military in order to start militarizing. However the number of people joining were very low.
  • Selective Service Act(US)

    Selective Service Act(US)
    This act required all men over the age of 18 to participate in the war. America needed to start mobilizing for war and they couldn't do that without an insufficient amount of soldiers.
  • Congress Passes the Espionage Acts

    Congress Passes the Espionage Acts
    The espionage act was passed so that it made speaking against the war or sympathizing the enemies a crime. Many people were arrested, but they still spoke out because they thought it took away their first right.
  • The United States declares war(US)

    The United States declares war(US)
    Congress agrees to go to war against Germany due to several reasons. First being the recent attacks on merchant ships sparking anti-german feelings. Another being the state of the war was heading, both sides were battling it on based on who would surrender first. U.S needed to support their allies and the only way was to join the war.
  • St Mihiel(US/EU)

    St Mihiel(US/EU)
    The first offensive attacked launched by the U.S in the Germans, assisted by the French troops.
  • Spanish influenza(EU)

    Spanish influenza(EU)
    The Spanish influenza was the second most greatest epidemic to kill millions of people world wide. The influenza was a flu, at first many people didn't die from it but soon the disease became deadly and spread quickly thanks to the war.
  • Armistice(EU/US)

    The Armistice was a paper that was signed in order to end the war. However it didn't really end the war. It was signed by all of the generals and higher ups of each nation that participated in the war. It was signed 11/11 at 11:11.
  • Treaty of Versailles(EU/US)

    Treaty of Versailles(EU/US)
    The treaty that officially ended the war. Signed at Paris by all the countries that had participated in the War. The treaty stated that Germany had to pay for war damage to the vectoring countries and officially apologize to them.