Dogs Pulling Guns
The british make dogs carry stuff like guns and heavy stuff so humans dont have to. -
Stuck in a Tree
A plane gets stuck in a tree after emergency landing. Soldiers are climbing up the tree to help there freind. -
Mud Brigde
A bridge in belgium that the soldiers made to escape the deep mud. -
This is a plane that can float in water. It can also land and take off, but only in water. -
Army Strong
Leigh Mason Fitch was born in New York. He was in the Army,and his rank was Sergeant first class. leigh served from 1918-1919. He was staitioned at Eropeon Theator. -
Bomb Shell
The "longermax" a huge cannon made for a battle shit. Also used on land. -
Sheep in a Mine Field
Sheep graze in this area thats still dangerous with unexploded mines that are from World War one.