• Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The Battle of Fort Sumter took place April 12-14, 1861 near Charleston County. This was one of the opening battles of the cival war. The confederates ended up wining this battle. Shoking the north and bosting the south's confidence.
    The Union would not recapture Fort Sumter for nearly four years.
  • The Battle of Hampton

    The Battle of Hampton
    The Battle of Hampton Roads took place on March 9, 1862 near Richmond, Virginia. This battle in itself was irrelevant, but a new era of naval warfare began. The two ships fought each other to a halt, but the Virginia retired, unable to inflict serious damage on the monitor.
  • The Battle of Fredricksburg

    The Battle of Fredricksburg
    The battle took place on December 13, 1862 near the rappahannock river. General Lee still head the south and a new General Headed the north, General Burnside. The Battle of Fredericksburg was an early battle of the civil war and stands as one of the greatest Confederate victories.
  • Emanicipation Proclamation

    Emanicipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Procalmation was a document written by Abraham Lincoln January 1, 1863 to Free all the slaves living in the south.This docement was bacically pointless because the south had all ready secsed so they didn't follow northern laws.The only thing that happen as a result of this document was the south was angered and fuleled more.
  • Battle of Chancellorville

    Battle of Chancellorville
    This battle took plabe from April 30 to May 6, 1863. This Battle was know as lee greatest victory. Whit numbers much less than the norths he took a risky mow eby spliting his troops in half. Lee arrived on May 1, and together with his able subordinate Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, planned his own flank movement.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    This took place from may 18, 1863 to july 4, 1863 in Vicksburg Misissipi. This battle resulted in a union victory thus, the confederacy lost one of their major strongholds. Also as a result of this battle the union successfully split the confederacy in half.
  • Ottomon Empire

    Ottomon Empire
    The Ottomon Empire joined the Central Powers in WW1 in order to keep critical ties with the countries involved, especially to keep control over vital water ways like the Suex Canal.
  • The Battle of the Marne

    The Battle of the Marne
    The Battle of the Marne was fought during September of 1914. Casualties were high on both sides. The French lost about 250,000 soldiers, as did the Germans. The BEF lost about 13,000 men as well. This battle signifies the beginning of full-blown trench warfare, which would dominate the front throughout the rest of the war
  • Assaination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assaination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Extreme nationalism led to the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife Sophie. They were shot in Sarajevo which was the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, a section of Austria-Hungary.
  • The many battles faced by WW1's nurses

    The many battles faced by WW1's nurses
    Since women were not allowed to enlist as soldiers or in other parts of the army, many Canadian women enlisted as nurses.3000 women were the first women to officially serve in the Armed Forces. Some of their jobs included, taking care of the ill and wounded in field hospitals and working in hospitals in Britian and France.
  • Austria declared war on Serbia

    Austria declared war on Serbia
    On July 28, 1914, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War.
  • Germany declared war on Russia

    Germany declared war on Russia
    On August 1, 1914, four days after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, two more great European powers Russia and Germany declare war on each other on that same day France orders a general mobilization.
  • Russians Defeated at Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes

    Russians Defeated at Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes
    The invading Russian and German armies battled in East Prussia at the start of the war. This battle is considered one of the most clean-cut German victories throughout the war, however, the Russian distraction in the east played a part in the failure of the Schleiffen Plan.
  • The Battle of Nek

    The Battle of Nek
    The Battle of the Nek was a minor World War I battle fought as part of the Gallipoli campaign. "The Nek" was a narrow stretch of ridge in the Anzac battlefield on the Gallipoli peninsula. On 7 August 1915, two segments of the Australian 3rd Light Horse Brigade mounted a tragic and futile attack on the Ottoman trenches on the Baby 700 which involved over 1000 Australian casulaties.
  • Evacuation from Gallipoli

    Evacuation from Gallipoli
    The most successful operation of the Gallipoli campaign was the evacuation of infantry and Lighthorse troops on 19 and 20 December. A well organised tactical deception operation was used in order to evacuate the troops.
  • First Aeroplane raid

    First Aeroplane raid
    The first German air raid on London took place. The Germans hoped that by making raids on London and the South East, the British Air Force would be forced into protecting the home front rather than attacking the German air force.
  • My Life In the U.S Armey

    My Life In the U.S  Armey
    This 27th day of may 1918, myself and lost others were sent to Marlin, Texas, The country seat of falls Co. Texas.
    Here we spent the night in a hotel and what a night was very little sleep but a good and noisey night.
  • "The screeming"

    "The screeming"
    The screeming of the shells was so loud it all most would run any one cracy and the roaring of busting shells. But we cralled on up the steep hill.
  • U.S Armey

    Had revelie and retrets and capton Herring spoke ti US a while this morning. praisome hetters he had from higher offices giving the 34 inf a good record.
  • "The End"

    We stoped in St. Louis for an hour or so and took a walk an hour or so and took a walk over part of the town and to the over part of the town and to the Y.M.C.A Got cream cakes and all kinds of eats and drinks and smokings.