assasination of archduke ferdinand
he was on the way to a event but then somebody shot him to death later they found how killed him and killed him. -
sinking of the lusitania
the ship sunk because they dident believe that Germany has a navel blockade but the a u boat[ a sub ] shot it and sunk. -
british use tanks in delville wood
the british use the tanks to ram the army and break through their enemy lines and cannon lines. so then solders can attack and finish them off. -
zimmermann telegram
the Zimmermann telegram is like a telephone it sends radio waves to other places. Germany was sending one to Mexico so they can side with Germany in ww1 but the british got the message so they warned the U.S.A. before they got attacked. -
the president talking about entering ww1
after the sinking of the Lusitania and about Germany allying with Mexico the U.S.A was outraged so later president windrow Wilson talked to congress about entering war -
The U.S.A enters the war
after Germany tried to ally with mexico the U.S.A declared war on gemany because of this most of the govement voted to declare war. -
The U.S.A. passes the selective service act
it give the congress power to draft solders into the navy or the army if many U.S. solders die off they need to draft to keep them powerful.l -
kaiser wilhelm abdicates and goes to exile
he was absicates he had a deal if he stayed he will go to jail if he leaves he wont be general but he will not go to jail he later left gremany -
armistice day
it was made to honer the day the central and the axis powers signed the the treaty so the war can end to also made Germany pay tons of money of debt because of the war. -
senate rejects leage of nations
the senate rejects the leage of nations because the treaty they sighed said all that were in the central powers had to be in the leage of nations.