
World War 1

  • Archduke Assassinated

    Archduke Assassinated
    The Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferninand and his wife are assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in Bosnia. This date was also their wedding anniversary. His wife was born into a poor Czech family so she was denied a royal status.
  • Chlorine gas

    Chlorine gas
    Germans fire shells filled with chlorine gas at Allies lines.This is the first time large amounts of gas are used. The results are the near collapse of French Lines. The Germans are unable to breach.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    British intelligence give their leader a message from the foreign secretary proposing that Mexico side with Germany. In case war between Germany and the US break out, Germany promises to get Texas and most of the American South West back to Mexico. This message was thankfully intercepted before it made it to Mexico.
  • 12 million letters

    12 million letters
    12 million letters were delivered to the front every week. It only took 2 days for a letter from Britain to get to the front. It began at a purpose built sorting depot in Regent Park. By the end of the war, 2 billion letters and 115 million parcels had been delivered.
  • Plastic surgery

    Plastic surgery
    WWI sparked the invention of plastic surgery. Since shrapnel was the cause of many facial injuries they needed someway to repair men's faces. Most of the wounds weren't straight line wounds like bullet hole wounds, they were very hard to repair. Sometimes shrapnel could rip parts of their faces off. So Harold Gillies made many techniques to fix many men's faces when their faces were destroyed by shrapnel.
  • Blood Banks

    Blood Banks
    The British Army began the routine use of blood transfusion. Blood was transferred directly from one person to another. The first blood bank was made on the Western Front. Sodium citrate was used to keep the blood from coagulating. Blood was put on ice for 28 days and then used in dire situations
  • Guy Ichabod Rowe

    Guy is on the front lines of the war. He is writing his sister to see how she was doing and see how she was taking the news of her husband? he is homesick and has good food sickness. Although he said he wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
  • Interview with daughter

    Guy had 3 children. They lived in California. Guy was in the infantry but was gassed and sent home. Before he left, he was a bregitier general.
  • Biography

    First military was a captain with the Vermont National Guard. In 1909; he graduated from Norwich University. April 1918; commanded a battalion of the 38th infantry.He continued to travel and furthered his involvement in the war. when he retired he got ; the distinguished service cross, purple heart, and Legion honor
  • Germany and Russia have Peace

    Germany and Russia have Peace
    Germans sign a peace treaty with the Bolshevik government of Russia. The treaty states that Russia must give Germany Poland and Ukraine. Since there is peace on the East, Germany can move soldiers to the West and cause problems with the French, British, and the US. This is very important because it helps begin the downhill climb to the end of WWI.
  • Battle of Belleau Wood

    Battle of Belleau Wood
    The battle of Belleau Wood starts when the U.S. marine corps. attack the Germans across an open field. The battle of Belleau Wood ends with the final expulsion of the Germans from the wood. The area changed 6 different times in 3 weeks. 10,000 Americans died.
  • Wilhelm Abdicates//Armistice Day

    Wilhelm Abdicates//Armistice Day
    Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates, ending all German hope for a victory. He and his retinave slip over the border of the Netherlands. He lives a relatively peaceful life there. he writes a self promoting memoir defending his actions in the war. This day is also known as Armistice day.