Ww1centenary 715x195

World War 1

  • January 18, 1871

    January 18, 1871
    Bismarck completes efforts to unify Prussia and the German kingdoms into a single nation and has King Wilhelm I proclaimed Kaiser
  • May 10 1871

    May 10 1871
    May 10 France forced to sign humiliating treaty with Germany that ends the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War
  • The triple alliance

    The triple alliance
    the alliane is formed between germany,italy and austria hungary
  • june 1st 1888

    june 1st 1888
    After his father's untimely death, 29 year-old Wilhelm II becomes ruler, Kaiser Wilhelm II, of Germany.
  • 1894

    Nicolas is crowned Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, a position he did not want. Germany and Russia do not renew a friendship treaty and begin their adversary relationship.
  • 1901

    Great Britain's Queen Victoria, whose bloodline runs through most of the ruling houses of Europe, dies.
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    Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War results in disastrous defeat for Russia and major civil unrest at home
  • bloody sunday massacre

    bloody sunday massacre
    "Bloody Sunday Massacre" by Tsarist troops in St. Petersburg left Russian workers dead and cost Nicholas support among the workers and farmers.
  • dreadnought

    British launch first "dreadnought" class battleship.
  • The triple entente

    The triple entente
    the alliance is formed between britan, france and russia
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    Unofficial Christmas Truce declared by soldiers in the trenches along the Western Front
  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    (heir to the austria hungary throne) and himself and wife are assasinated
  • WAR

    hungary decleras war on serbia
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    Start of WW1

    Germany decleras war on russia and france and invades neutral luxemborg and belgium world war 1 begins
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    Germany declears war on russia,france and Germany declares war on neutral Belgium and invades in a right flanking move designed to defeat France quickly. As a result of this invasion, Britain declares war on Germany.
  • WW1

    Britan declares war on germany
  • The Battle of the Frontiers

    The Battle of the Frontiers
    "The Battle of the Frontiers" -- 27,000 French soldiers die on this single day in an offensive thrust to the east of Paris, towards the German borders.
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    Battle of Tennenberg.

    German army, led by Erich Ludendorff and Paul von Hindenburg achieves its greatest victory of the war on the Eastern front against Russia at the Battle of Tennenberg.
  • Total War

    Total War
    War becomes "Total War" with German Zeppelin air raid on England
  • Gallipoli

    Allies begin nine-month battle for the Turkish peninsula of Gallipoli.
  • Gas in a bottle

    Gas in a bottle
    British use gas in battle near Loos, but shifting winds cause 60,000 British casualties.
  • Withdrawal

    Allies begin withdrawal of troops from Gallipoli.
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    the battle of verdun

    The longest battle of the war, the Battle of Verdun, is fought to a draw with an estimated one million casualties.
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    The Battle of Jutland

    The Battle of Jutland, the only major naval engagement of the war is fought with no clear winner.
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    The battle of the somme

    The Battle of the Somme results in an estimated one million casualties and no breakthrough for the Allies. British introduce the tank, an effective weapon but far to few to make much of a difference.
  • american troops in france

    american troops in france
    American troops in France fire their first shot in trench warfare
  • Russia

    The new Russian government, represented by Leon Trotsky, signs an armistice with Germany.
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    Two waves of influenza kill more people than did the war
  • The end

    The end
    At eleven o'clock on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, the war ends as Germany and Allies sign an Armistice.
  • remberance

    War cemeteries created on the fronts; war memorials dedicated in villages and cities at home
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    adolf hitler

    Adolf Hitler imprisoned for sedition against the Weimar Republic; writes Mein Kampf.