• Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, who was a Serbian nationalist apart of the Black hand. The assassination occurred on June 28, 1914. The assassination causes Austria Hungary to declare war on Serbia, which then causes other nations to declare war on others due to alliances.
  • Germany Declares War

    Germany Declares War
    Germany declared war on Russia on August 1, 1914. This happened because Russia had announced its support for Serbia who was at war with one of Germany' s allies, Austria-Hungary. This deceleration of war then caused many other countries to declare war on others and eventually it led to most of Europe being at war with one another.
  • First Battle of Marne

    First Battle of Marne
    At the start of WWI Germany hoped to avoid fighting on two fronts by taking over France before turning to Russia. The Germans initially had some success early in the fighting. The Germans did not have immediate reinforcements to keep their momentum in the battle. The French and British launched a counter offensive at Marne (6-10 of September 1914) and made the Germans retreat.
  • Poison Gas

    Poison Gas
    Germany first used poison gas on April 22, 1915. This weapon shocked the allied solder's and killed and wounded many of them. Germany continued to use poison gas through the war. They also continued to develop more deadly chemical weapons
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
    At the dawn of April 25, 1915 Allied troops landed on the Gallipoli peninsula in Ottoman Turkey. General Sir Ian Hamilton decided to make two landings, but both were contained by the Ottoman troops and neither landing could progress. Trench warfare quickly set in and caused causalities on both sides to rapidly rise. Both sides were stuck in a stalemate. On December 1, 1915 it was decided to evacuate the Allies, and so they retreated.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle in WWI, lasting from February 21 to December 18, 1916. It started with Germans attacking the fortified French town of Verdun. In the first ten hours Germans concentrated a lot of firepower on the French forcing them back. But the Germans were forced to reduce their strength due to the British and Russians launching their own attacks elsewhere. The French lost ground in autumn but through careful army management they secured a defensive victory.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The Battle of Jutland was the largest naval battle of WWI, and took place from May 31 to June 1, 1916. Jutland was a confusing battle of 250 ships and about 100,000 men between Germany and Britain. The Germans sunk Britain's HMS Lion, HMS Indefatigable, and HMS Queen Mary. The British ships retreated to their main fleet and forced the Germans to retreat giving Britain control over shipping lanes. The overall losses for the British were 14 ships 6,000 men and Germany lost 11 ships and 2,500 men.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    the Battle of the Somme, which took place from July 1 to November 18, 1916, was a joint operation between the French and British forces. Allied commanders met and agreed to launch a join French-British attack of the River Somme. The pressure from the Battle of Verdun on the French forced this battle to happen. The British wen into action facing German defensed that had been carefully placed over months. It became a deadlock battle and both sides lost more than 1 million soldiers.
  • Enlistment Record of John C. Laing

    Enlistment Record of John C. Laing
    He was enlisted or inducted into the U.S. Military on July 2, 1917 at Clueage, and he had no prior service. He enlisted with mechanical knowledge. He went through the rest of his enlistment without any complications. John C. Laing was also given an sliver, instead of bronze, Victory Button.
  • Authorization of One Bronze Star to John C. Laing

    Authorization of One Bronze Star to John C. Laing
    Sargent John C. Laing was authorized to wear one Bronze Start on the Victory Ribbon. He was authorized this for serving in a Somme defensive sector between February 10, 1918 and March 21, 1918. This was by the order of Major Wild: H.H. Pohl, Captain 6th Engineers, Adjutant.
  • Authorization of Two Bronze Stars to John C. Laing

    Authorization of Two Bronze Stars to John C. Laing
    Sargent John C. Laing was authorized to wear two Bronze Starts on the Victory Ribbon. He was authorized for participation in two major operations. These two major operations were the Somme Defensive from March 21 and April 6, 1918 and Champagne-Marne Defensive between July 15 and July 18, 1918. This why by order of Major Wild: H.H. Pohl, Captain, 6th Engineers, Adjutant.
  • Honorable Discharge of John C. Laing

    Honorable Discharge of John C. Laing
    John C. Laing was honorably discharged from the U.S. Military on October 9, 1918.
  • Issue of Purple Heart to John C. Laing

    Issue of Purple Heart to John C. Laing
    John C. Laing was issued a purple heart on February 20,1941. It was issued by him from the Department of War. The purple heart that was given to him was engraved with his name, John C. Laing. He received his wound in action on July 5, 1918 while serving as Sargent, Company D, 6th Engineers.