World War 1

  • Archduke Assasination

    Archduke Assasination
    The main cause of World War 1; this event included the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinad. Archduke was nephew to Emperor Franz Josef and the man who shot him was a Serbian nationalist.
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    War between Allied Powers and Germany

    Up until the peace treaty, Germany battled against the allied powers intensely to defend their leader and citizens.
  • Germany Pays with a Piece of Paper

    Germany Pays with a Piece of Paper
    Due to the prior events, Germany was practically out of change to spare, when Austria-Hungary was supposed to be paid by them, the check was invalid.
  • Great Britain enters War

    Great Britain enters War
    Grest Britain joins the alliance of France and Russia to defend their country. They joined the war because Belgium's battle was very closeby and they wanted to make sure that their country stays protected.
  • Sinking Lusitania puts U.S.A. in War

    Sinking Lusitania puts U.S.A. in War
    A large ship traveling from New York to England, was destroyed by a German boat that they torpedoed into the ship. The ship included over 100 American passengers and resulted in America defending itself against Germany.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    A telegram message was sent through code that Germany would be allying with Mexico. The U.S. were able to somewhat prepare to protect their ships but Germany kept up their strategy of unrestricted warfare.
  • America in the War

    America in the War
    When our country first entered war, their intention was to stay neutral whie fighting against the other countries. However, Germany decided to continue unrestricted warfare, triggering America into allying with the western countries.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    After reoccuring battles between European countries over the Archduke Assasination, The Treaty of Versailles was signed. The treaty was meant to make peace among the Allied powers and Germany.
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    The Motive to start WW2

    Though there was no real ending date, Germans were very upset about the fault they took by signing the Treaty of Versailles. They went bankrupt because of it and things did not get better due to The Great Depression.
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    Dawes Plan

    This plan was formed to take some debt off of the Germans to help WW1 countries financially. This plan involved France and other western countries to get Germany back on its feet in order to pay what they owe.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was caused by a crash in the stock market. America and other countries suffered for several years. As a result, millions lost their homes and jobs.
  • Hitler Rises to Power

    Hitler Rises to Power
    A German citizen named Adolf Hitler feels that Germany took too much blame on World War 1 and wanted to conquer the allied powers. He begins his work as Chancellor of Germany.
  • Works Cited