Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a Serbian nationalist. This was the event that sparked one of the biggest, bloodiest wars in history. -
Austro-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
Austro-Hungary officially declares war on Serbia. By this time, alliances with other countries have already been made on both sides. Germany supported Austria-Hungary, while France, Britain, and Russia supported Serbia. Many other countries also joined up on either side as the war progressed, but these few were the more notably bigger powers. -
The Battle and Siege of Liege
Belgium, after claiming neutrality in the war and denying Germany to pass through their borders, was attacked by the Germans. They laid siege to the Belgium city of Liege and on August 16, succeeded in its capture. This was the first battle of WW1, and the Germans advanced through Belgium, heading for France. -
Beginnings of Air Combat
Frenchman Louis Quenault was the first pilot to openly fire upon a German plane with a machine gun, and thus the fighter plane was born as more and more air-crafts became fitted with mounted machine-guns. -
First Champagne Offensive
The first offensive French attack on German trenches, which lasted for 4 months (ended March 17, 1915). -
First Use of Poison Gas
The Germans first successfully used chlorine gas, after much experimenting. -
Battle of Verdun
The longest battle of WW1, during which the French made an incredible stand at Verdun and refused to have it captured by Germany, even though they were vastly out numbered. Ended on December 18, 1916. -
Battle of the Somme
A joint British-French offensive attack was planned for Somme, in northern France. However, the Germans attacked Verdun, causing many French causalities, making the French unable to provide support in Somme. The battle went on for 4 months, the British were failing to break the enemy line and were losing many troops. Then, Canadian forces arrived and, what the British failed to do in months, the small Canadian force achieved in two weeks, endind the battle on November 18, 1916. -
USA Joins the War
USA declares war on Germany and joins the Allie's forces. -
Battle of Vimy Ridge
The Allies advance agaisnt German lines at Vimy Ridge. The Canadians played a huge role in the succes of this battle, and the Allies gained more ground than any previous attempts. Battle ended on April 14, 1917 -
Battle of Passchendaele
Allie offensive to take the town of Passchendaele. The Candian Corps were the ones who eventually took the town after several months of the British getting nowhere. Leading up to the battle, the Canadians spent much time preparing and, on November 10, they drove out the German forces and caotured Passchendaele. -
Hundred Days Offensive
Series of Allie offensive attacks against the Germans that took place along the Hindenburg line during the months of September and October. The four locations of these attacks were Meuse-Argonne, Cambrai, Flanders, and St. Quentin canal. Due to the ferocity of these attacks, which left the Germans weak and disheartened, they came to realize that their only option was to negotiate peace. -
End of the War
On November 11, 1918, Germany signed an Armistice with the allies and the fighting was finally ceased.