World War 1

By ZDrolet
  • Archduke assignated

    Archduke assignated
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assignated. This stared World War 1
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    World War 1 events

    During World War 1 the world was very divided because of alliances. Trench warfare was the main tactic of battle and new weapons technology appeared. The Central and Allied powers battled from 1914-1918 becausethe Central powers Austria/ Hungary leader was assingnated
  • The Shlieffen Plan

    The Shlieffen Plan
    The Shlieffen Plan caused Britain to enter WWI because Russia was mobileizing on its border with Germany
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    Battle of Tannenburg

    Russia and Germany fought each other
  • The first battle of Marne

    The first of Marne was the first battle of WWI resulted with an Allied victory
  • Armenian Genocide

    A massecare of people (around 800,000/1.5 million)
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    Gallipoli Campaign

    A battle to secure some land near Russia between the Russians and the Ottoman Empire
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    The Lusitana was stuck with a German torpedo which sunk it killing 114 American Citezens. This made Americans hostile towards Germans. This caused the world to protest Unresricted Submarine Warfare
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    Battle of Verdun

    Britain attacked Germany to lessen the pressure on France
  • Entry of USA

    Entry of USA
    USA entered because of Zimmerman Note which warned th US of Germanyś plans to have Mexico take back there land
  • Treaty of Brest-Litousk

    Peace Treaty between Russiaś new Bolshevik goverment and Germany which released Russia from WWI
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    The Second Battle Marne

    The second battle of Marne was the last major offensive on the western front during WWI
  • End of WWI

    End of WWI
    Armistice between Marshal Foch and German Representitive was signed to stop fighting thus ending WWI