world war 1

  • Period: to

    germany and france doubled

    both armies got bigger because of competition between Britain and germany
  • Period: to

    world under Europe

    most of the world was under Europes control but France and germany wanted foreign trade
  • Period: to

    france collapses

    French wanted to fight Germany but Germany defeated them. before and Germany made them give up provinces of assay and Corrine to them
  • picasso

    used African culture in his art because it was popular
  • picasso art

    this symbolized the lost generation and he used different colors and shapes in his art to show this he was unique
  • Period: to

    Balkans fight back

    they fought the turks and when this ended they took them back to where they came from
  • British covering up

    they called newspaper writers to cover up there enemies statement
  • india

    India gave 1.1 million to Britain if they set them free
  • borrowing money

    the kaiser borrows money by selling war bonds but were in debt later on
  • the lost generation

    people believed war was amazing and continued to support it
  • soldiers/depression

    soldiers thought there was no more meaning in life so they killed themselves because most likely they were to die anyways
  • Corporal thomas

    he shot first in the battle of togland campaign
  • germans open fire

    after germans opened fire the allies held ground but also wanted to see how they could attack
  • Period: to

    austria declares war on Serbia

    this time the Russians jump in and help Serbia
  • Period: to

    germany feel threatened

    they feel threatened by France so they start a war so they don't do it first
  • Period: to

    germany helps austria

    helps them declare war on Russia so they would come on there side
  • Period: to

    germany goes to Belgium

    goes to get the France but then Great Britain goes into war with germany
  • Period: to


    they were selling 500,000 in different languages and helped declare war on germany
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination

    He was shot by Gavrilo which led to world war 1
  • geography

    this played a role in battle because it helped them and land they wanted to fight for
  • russia mobilized

    russia mobilized fast and put the schliffen plan at risk by potion germans in the too fronts
  • battle of somme river

    most expensive was on British and this change there attitudes towards war which was surprising
  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    After the assassination Austria for mad and declared war on Serbia
  • children in war

    parents taught children that joining the war was good and brave
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    germans invaded Belgium because they wanted to get to France when this violated the neutrality
  • Period: to

    Germany now enters

    Germany declared war on Russia because they mobilized there army for Austria
  • germany in Belgium

    they crossed over Belgium and took over in august 5th
  • india and British army

    India helps there army by donating money towards them so they would become free
  • battle of Marne

    first major battle started as French welfare but then germans invaded France because all Aries were in trenches
  • Germany on a mission

    germany sets of in a mission that would begin war in trenches and this would be known as the first battle of the Marne
  • U.S involved

    plots of Wall Street wanted bring in the u.s to war even if it ruined the economy
  • telegram

    news said if Amenia joined the war they would take taxes from Mexico
  • German outrage

    the government tried to give credit to stories that were actually germans
  • submarine

    no submarine welfare should enter British waters
  • murdering ideas

    young kids learned to kill because of hitler and they wanted power like him
  • treaty of versallies

    economic consequences made germany humiliated
  • fance taking over

    France overthrew the industrial area of German boarders
  • Armenians

    Armenians were dragged from there homes and treated like dogs
  • Armenian genoside

    innocent Armenians murdered
  • Armenian genocide

    innocent people forced to walk through a dessert not allowed to have food or clothes and were brutally killed
  • German technology

    used geography to fight French at battle3 of Verdun
  • Vladimir Lenin

    wanted Russia to get out of the war so they could take over the government and make it a communist state
  • U.S gives weapons

    U.S gave allies weapons to help them with the fights
  • germans massive offense

    sent allies to Paris because the germans broke through them
  • treaty of Brest-liuosk

    signed which made germans move away from the British
  • two fronts

    germans fought mostly on two fronts on eastern and western parts
  • Russian revolution

    this helped germans from two front wars by ending eastern front
  • starving

    troops could not defend themselves they didn't have proper weapons and cookies were starving
  • genocide was over

    after this there were around 388,000 Armenian left the rest were dead
  • Period: to

    U.S enters

    thi was because of germanys submarine war and this led to the sinking of lusilenia
  • average calories

    it was 100 for germans because because food was military given
  • incorrect treaty

    the germans felt betrayed after the treaty of versallies because it5 was incorrect
  • treaty of versatile

    made le33aders uncomfortable because it was not peace
  • belleau wood

    5,oo soilders dead and if they were wounded they would most likely of died later on
  • western front

    largest from which was known to be 466 miles long
  • battle of Verdun

    germany lost to France and this was a turning point and the battle was the most deadliest and most major ones on the germans boarder
  • treaty of Brest-litousk

    signed by Russian court which ended war with germany
  • marshal foch strategy

    showed how important geography was
  • germans forced

    germans were forced through ardennes in a pass called meuse
  • Americans entry

    made it easier for center powers to fight
  • Ottoman Empire

    this was split into smaller pieces
  • farmers

    they were stuck on both sides of war and signed a treaty which ended war
  • U.S enters the treaty

    did this to end all other treaties
  • Austria Hungary joins

    they join the treaty to get there empire back and grow bigger
  • china and Japan joins

    they wanted germany to give back there land that they took so the signed this treaty
  • league of nations

    the U.S rejects the league of nations
  • Austria Hungary split

    made various nations like Romania and Hungary
  • Japanease

    they ere made to move back to Japan
  • germans moving

    German made to move into remote parts in isolation
  • destruction

    different groups made to move out of soviet unions which made them mad
  • germans sinking

    germany sunk there own ships telling people its over and that the other side won
  • Britain join treaty

    they did this to get back at the germans but didn't want to start another war
  • totalitarianism

    nations lost money people lost jobs
  • totalitarianism

    people feared more wars which would lead into deaths of citizens
  • totalitarianism

    people lost everything and didn't believe in there own government anymore
  • totalitarianism

    competetion with political parties occurred which led to this
  • British let go

    british lost jobs because of economy but then were hired again after
  • labor party

    British labor party didn't work and didn't fix any problems they had
  • front party

    France forms front party that had communists