archduke franz feedinand and his wife are assassinated
stepped from the croud and shot them right on the spot -
germany declares war on russia and feance great britten declares war on gremany and arstrea-hungry
grrminy in vaded belgem th pre to take france
the french retreated to the main river -
Hollywood becomes the movie center producer in the US
german U-Boat sinks the lustania
alexander gran bell makes first trasenital call
Albert Enstiein propoeses his thery of relitivity
woodrow wilson is realected
the battal of verdun and clamed millions of lives
the seclection servace sets up the draft
the us declared war on germany
Russia withdraw from war
congress passed the selection act
president wilson proplsed thne league of nation
established a communist reagen
first wirld war ended
aproves the nineteenth amendment
world wide influenza epidemic kills over 30 million