The Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinard
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinard was riding in a carriage and someone tried to bomb it but it didn't work. Later that day, he was on his way to visit one of his officers that got hit and his driver turned down the wrong road and his assassin was standing right there, and shot him and his wife at point-blank range. This sparked World War 1. -
Russia Mobilizes
Russia mobilizes its giant army to help against Austria-Hungary in favor of its ally Serbia. this starts a chain reaction that leads to the mobilization of the rest of the European Great Powers and inevitably to the outbreak of hostilities -
Letter from Eurith Trax to Mother
her mother shocked her with news that someone that she forgot about is getting married. she laughed very hard at it. her mother was sick, her family is sick and she feels bad that she isnt there to help them. she asked her to write a letter to her amercian friends because she cant -
The Christmas Truce
ON Christmas Eve, many German and British troops sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines, and at certain points the Allied soldiers even heard brass bands joining the Germans. On Christmas morning, some German soldiers emerged from their trenches and approached the Allied lines across no-man’s-land, calling out “Merry Christmas” in their enemies’ native tongues. There was even a documented case of soldiers from opposing sides playing a good-natured game of soccer. -
Letter from Eurith Trax to Mother
she tells her mom about a guy who fell in love with one of the nurses and he keeps sending her letters, it would be a good story plot -
Letter from Eurith Trax to Parents
Things in France that she would happily leave behind. She is very bored and doesn't have much to do. She misses home a lot. -
Letter from Eurith Trax to Mother
her mother shocked her with news that someone that she forgot about is getting married. she laughed very hard at it. her mother was sick, her family is sick and she feels bad that she isn't there to help them. she asked her to write a letter to her American friends because she cant -
The Zimmerman Telegram
Germany sent a telegram to Mexico promising to give them back the land that America took from them if they joined them. The British intercepted it and sent it to the USA. This pushed the U.S. to war. -
Letter from Eurith Trax to Mother
she had a boring morning so she didńt write that much, she got a love letter from ¨a friend¨ who she didn't think thought of her in that way. -
Letter from Eurith Trax to My Dear Little Um
She gets entertainment from reading the letters, there are chinamen who mess with the women, they are the most repulsive creatures, four nice American boys protected her from the chinamen. -
Lett from Eurith Trax to Mother
7 day leave, didn't do anything on her break, sat in the sand, took carriage rides, the letter was sent on the last day of her break -
Verdun, the Somme in the World War 1
By the time the United States had entered the war, the conflict had reached a deadly stalemate, But then, the French rallied in the First Battle of the Marne and the German advance came to a halt. They fought for six months and shared the loss of 700,000 men before realizing that neither could advance. Twenty-thousand British soldiers were killed on the first day—not a single British soldier reached the German lines. -
Germany and Russia
Germans sign a peace treaty with the Government of Russia. It gave Germany huge tracts of land that once belonged to Ukraine and Poland. This allowed Germany to move soldiers to the Western Front causing problems for the French, British and American soldiers. -
Chateau Thiery, Belleau Wood
The German leaders saw that an opportunity in the spring of 1918. Revolution had made Russia leave the war, allowing Germany to transfer troops from the eastern to the western front. The Allied naval blockade was producing hardship in the army and the general public. German support for the war would not last forever. At Belleau Wood, the battle raged for three weeks. -
Second Battle of the Marne
American troops were assigned increasingly important parts during the German summer offensive. More than 25,000 Americans stood the left side of the Allied lines when Germany attempted to crash through along a 20-mile front stretching between Montdidier and Noyon on 9 June. American troops were strengthening the tired Allied lines. The Allies deployed 34 divisions, including nine Americans, to meet the 52 gathered by the Germans for the attack.