World war 1 recruiting poster

World War 1

By Crc228
  • The Germans Declare Britain Is A War Zone.

    The Germans Declare Britain Is A War Zone.
    The Germans make a statement that they do not care what kind of boats they see. They wil just shoot at any boat that wasnt on their side.
  • Assassination Of Arch Duke Ferdinand

    Assassination Of Arch Duke Ferdinand
    Members of a group later known as "Young Bosnia" attacked and killed the Arch Duke and his wife. The group was Serbian therefore Austria Hungary wasn't happy with the Serbians. This was a big factor in the cause of World War 1.
  • Neutral Country

    Neutral Country
    President Woodrow Wilson declares that the US is a neutral country and is not a part of World War 1 at this moment.
  • Sinking Of The Lusitania

    Sinking Of The Lusitania
    The Germans during this time were doing a very unpopular way to fight a war. They would sink civilian boats without warning if they saw them. The Lusitania at one point was the biggest boat in the seas. but when the Germans saw it they hit it with torpedoes and sunk it. 1198 people lost their lives in this attack. It wasn't confirmed but thier was allegedly munitions for the British war effort on this boat along with the civilliains.
  • Poison Gas

    Poison Gas
    Poison gas was used for the first time during a war time as a weapon a little bit after the Lusitania was attacked by a German U-boat.
  • Battle Of Jutland

    Battle Of Jutland
    This was a major naval battle during World War 1, but was also the first time tanks were used in warfare. Woodrow Wilson was also reelected president during this time back in America.
  • German U-Boat Fires on Sussex

    German U-Boat Fires on Sussex
    The Sussex was a boat that had never been armed and U-Boats attacked it. The military found proof that the Sussex had never been warned before it was attacked. There were around 325 passengers on board with about 18 of them being Americans. This made President Woodrow Wilson very angry and led to The Sussex Pledge.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    The Germans send out a telegram to Mexico in order to try and get Mexico on theri side. But Britian intercepts and decoded the message for America.
  • Peurto Rico

    Peurto Rico
    The US declares Peurto Rico as a new territory that is apart of The United States.
  • U.S. Declares War On Germany

    U.S. Declares War On Germany
    After much debate and a lot of voting US congress finally declares war on Germany. The United States Of American is now officially in World War 1.
  • US National Gaurd

    US National Gaurd
    On this day the US National Gaurd was put into commison. This helped Americans feel more safe at home knowing somebody was watching over them while they slept.
  • Germany And Russia Sign A Seperate Peace

    Germany And Russia Sign A Seperate Peace
    Germany and Russia decide to not fight eachother in World War 1 by signing a Separate Peace. This means that Russia and Germany basically become allies for the war. Even though Russia was allies with other ocuntries that Germany was at wear with, Germany still befriended Russia. This affected the soldiers in the Western front by making them need to find a quick decisve victory because Germany could now afford to put more troops over in that area.
  • Germany Sings Armistice

    Germany Sings Armistice
    After a very long fight between the Allies and the Triple Entante Germnay finally decides to call it quits. America demanded an immediate cease fire and the Germans didn't know if they could hold up/
  • Prohiibition

    Prohibiton starts in the US. Consumption of alcohol, or selling it is a serious crime and can be punished very severely.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    This was the peace settlement that offically ended Word Was One.