Causes of WW1
Imperialism- extending economic and political control over weaker nations.
Militarism- development of armed forces and their use of diplomacy
Nationalism- devotion to the interest and culture of one nation
Alliances System- formal agreement or union between nations -
Assassination of Franz
WebsiteFranz and his wife Sophia were killed when they were on there way to the capital of Bosnia. They were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, who stepped out of the crowd and shot them. Gavrilo Princip was in a group called Black Hand, an organization promoting Serbian nationalism. They shot him because he because Serbia was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and many Serbians were unhappy about that. -
Allies vs Central Powers
Triple Entente - France, Britian, Russia and later the U.S.
Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria-Hungry, Italy
Later when Ottoman Empires join the are then called the Central Powers. -
Fighting Begins
Germany invaded Belgium, following a strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan. The plan was made with a holding action against Russia while going through Bilgum to Paris. -
Trench Warfare
Videodiseases were spread. The weather was bad and there would be water build up in the trenches. Since then men would have to stand in the puddles all day the would get what you trench foot and some had to have there foot amputated. They would have to wear these helmets that would protect you if you were shot at. -
Trench Warfare
Life in the Trenches
Life in the trenches was very hard. You would have to carry around everything you needed on your back. The first thing you would notice when you got to the trenches was the smell. You would have the smell of men who hadn't showered in weeks, dead bodies, and the smell of peoples feces. There would be rats everywhere eating off of the dead bodies. There was lice so most men would shave there heads. Many -
British Blockade
Britian began to make more use of there naval strength and decided to block Germanys coast so that they could not recieve any weapons or other military uses. Then Britian started to block food to and expanded there blockade to neutral ports and controlled the North Sea. The results were that American ships wouldn't enter the blockade giving Germany supplies and Germany found it more difficult to get food. Germany was famined. -
they sank another British liner the Arabic drowning 2 Americans. This time America protested and Germany agreed not to sink another passanger ship. In March 1916 Germany broke its promise and sank another ship that killed about 80 people including Americans. Once again the United States warned Germany and they agreed only on the condition that America made Britian remove its blockade or Germany would have unrestricted warfare. -
website The British liner Lusitania was sunk by one torpedo off the souther coast of Ireland. 198 people died and 128 of them were Americans. Germany defended them sinking the ship by saying that the ship was full of ammunition. Despite Germany's reason America became angry and turned there public opinion against Germany and the Central Powers. Prestident Wilson didn't send military over there and then 3 months later on August 15 -
Great Migration
VideoThe Great Migration was a a large scale of African Americans moving from cities in the south up to big cities in the North. The migrating had started before the war but then when it started more and more African Americans started to move North. They moved North because of racial discrimination which made it hard to find a job. Also floods and droughts had ruined most of the cotton fields. In the north there was more job opportunities and they could sign up for the draft. -
Election of 1916
The Democrats renominated Woodrow Wilson and the Republicans nominated Supreme Court Charles Evans Hughs. Wilsons slogan was "He Kept Us Out of War" and Hughs pledged to uphold America’s right for freedom of the seas and not to be too severe on Germany. Wilson won the election. It was one of the closest elections and Wilson won because he got the electoral votes from California and if Hughs had got there electoral votes he would have won. -
Zimmerman Note
videoThe Zimmernam note was a telegram from the German foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico that was intercepted by British agents. The note show that there was an alliance between Germany and Mexico. The note also showed that Germany promised that if the United States entered the war that Germany would support Mexico recovering lost land in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Next came the unarmed American merchant ships and 36 people lost there lives. -
America Joins the Fight
America entered the war because Germany had sunk 3 ships with Americans on it and they had lost there lives. We had warned Germany several times but Germany still did the same thing. Finally after they had unrestricted submarine warfare on us we joined the war. -
Womens Roles
videoAfter America join the war women took the role of men and did there work. They became railroad workers, cooks, dockworkers and bricklayers. They would mine coal and take apart ship buildings. At the same time they had more traditional jobs like teaching, being a nurse, and working as a clerk. Other women would join peace partys and help found the Womens Peace Party. -
website They set up the Committee on Public Information because they wanted to popularize the war. This was the first time the government set up a propaganda agency. The head of the CPI was a former muckraking journalish George Creel. Creal got other artists to help create posters, cartoons and paintings promoting the war. He also had people print about 75 million pamphlets and so on. Creels propaganda was very effective but -
however, while the campaign promoted patriotism, it also inflamed hatred and violations of the civil liberties. -
Selective Service Act
videoThe Selective Service Act was made so that the government could meet its needs for fighting power. By the end of the war there had been 24 million men who had registered for the act. Only 3 million were called to join the war. Onlyl about three fourths of them saw any action and 400,000 men were African American. Most Afircan Amercians were assigned to noncombat duties. -
Espionage & Sedition Acts
Congress passed the Espionage Act in June of 1917 and the Sedition Act in May of 1918. Under these acts you could be fined up to $100,000 and sentenced up to 20 years of jail time by interferring with the war effort or for saying anything disloyal, profane or abusive about the government or the war effort. These laws were violating the spirit of the First Amendment. This led to over 2,000 prosecutions for loosly difined antiwar activities and over half of these were resulted in convictions. -
website The government of the United States established this so that we could fulfill the requirements of materials that were needed for the war. The board encouraged people to use mass production techniques to increase efficiency and to elimate wastes by standardizing products. The United States increase industrial production by about 20 percent but the WIB applied price controls and the price of retails almost doubled by the end of the war. -
3 New Weapons
website One of the weapons used were tanks. Tanks moved with catipillar treads and were made of metal so that bullets would just bounce off of them. They made it so that you could clear the barbwire on the trenches and other things and then men could get through easier. Another weapon that was used were airplanes. At first they weren't used alot but then they began to improve them more and more and by the end of the war you could shoot a -
3 New Weapons
machine guns with no problem at all. Another weapon was the mustard gas. The gas was one of the more inproved gas and it made it so that there would become blistards on the inside of you and the outside of your body. They would through the gas over in grenades. -
website Woodrow Wilson presented his plan for world peace before the war was even over. In January of 1918 Wilson presented his idea in a speech to Congress. The points were divided into three groups, the first five were ways we could avoid war. Next eight were dealt with boundry changes and the last one was for ideas with the international organization. -
The armistice is when the Germans surrendered because they were to exhausted to continue even though there wasn't a really battle going on at the time. So then on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month Germany agreed to cease fire and sign the armistice, or truce, ending the war. -
Final Statistics
There was a total of 57,476 America deaths and then there was a total of 8,538,315 deaths from eleven different countries. The total cost of the war for the United States was $22,625,253,000 and then the total cost was $60,643,160,000 for the war. -
Big 4
websiteWoodrow Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd George, and Orlando were the leaders of the Big 4. The countries in the big four was the United States, France, Great Britian, and Italy. They worked out the treaty’s details among themselves. Wilson conceded on most of his Fourteen Points in return for the establishment of the League of Nations. -
There were nine new nations after the war was over. The nations that were created were Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Turkey, and Czechoslovakia. Austria-Hungary were split into two different naitons. -
League of Nation
It was introduced by Woodrow Wilson and it was set up to prevent another great war. It wasnt adopted by the United States and would
provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their grievances without having to resort to war. -
Schenck vs United States
Charles Schenck was charged because he was making a speech about how he thought war was bad. He went the the Supreme Court saying that it violated the First Amendment for his right of free speech. Then there was an argue about weather he used his rights correctly or if he was abusing them and the court ruled in the United States favor. -
Treaty of Versailles
website The Treaty of Versaillies established nine new nation including Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. Germany would have no army and would have to pay for war damages and repairs, and would lose land. Russia will also lose land and the United states doesn't support the treaty fearing that we will lose the right to make our own choices.