
World War 1

  • The Assassination of Francis Ferdinand and His Wife

    The Assassination of Francis Ferdinand and His Wife
    A Serbian Nationalist named Gavrilo Princip shot down Austria's Archduke Francis Ferdinand and wife in Sarajevo.
    Ferdinand had tried to restore Austro-Russian relations
    while keeping an alliance with Germany. After his death Austria declared war on Serbia World. This attack lead to the out break of World War 1, one month later.
  • Austira Declares war with Germany

    Austira Declares war with Germany
    This was the begining of the first global war. It began in Europe and quickly spreaded throughout the world. The delaration was because of the assassination of their heir to the thrown.
  • First Time Poison Gas is used

    First Time Poison Gas is used
    The gas was first lanched by the Gemans. They sent 150 tons of lethal chlorine gas agianst two French colonial divisions. At the battle in Ypres, Belgium. It was the Gremans first major attack.
  • Lusitania Sunk

    Lusitania Sunk
    A German submarine shot it's torpedoes at a British ocean liner named the Lusitiania it was one of the worlds biggest ship and the holder of the Blue Riband. It sank and 1,198 were lost also including 128 Americans.
  • Battle of Verdun Begins

    Battle of Verdun Begins
    At 7:12 a.m. a shot for a German Krupp was set to bombard French forces along a 20-kilometer front strecing across the Meuse River. It hit a cathedral in Verdun, France. This began the Battle of Verdun. The battle was ten months ong and was the longest conflict of World War 1.
  • Romania Declares War on Austria- Hungary

    Romania Declares War on Austria- Hungary
    Austria-Hungary, delivered in a note by the Romanian Prime Minister, Ion Bratianu, to the Austrian ambassador in Romania
    A note was delivered by the Romanian Prime Minister, Ion Bratianu. It was sent to the Austrian ambassador in Romania claming that the were going to war with the ceneral powers.
  • The United Stats Declares war on Germany

    The United Stats Declares war on Germany
    The cause of the US going to war was the Zimmerman telegram. That was sent to Mexico by the Germans stating that if Mexico joined them that they would help Mexico take back parts of the US. Also many events did lead up the this action but this was the last straw. Presdient Wilson decided the join support with Britian and France.
  • Amercans First Shot

    Amercans First Shot
    The Americans first shot was the sinking of a German submarine.
  • Germans Lanch a Spring Push

    Germans Lanch a Spring Push
    This event mounted five major offensives that were against Allied forces. It stated with the battle of Picardy against the British.
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    The cause of the war ending was that Gemany and the Central Powers were running out of supplies and the people in the countries were tired of being in war. Without any support they couldnt contiue fighting. If they did continue fighting they would have lost. There wasnt a reason for it to continue.