7.4 Earthquake in Iran.
In 1990 there was a 7.4 Earthquake in Iran. Many people were left homeless because of it. More than 50,000 people died in the mists of it. -
8.3 Earthquake in the Kuril Island.
Kruil is in the ocean so once they get an earthquake there is always a threat for tsunamis. In this Earthquake 11 people died but many lost their homes and valuables. -
Period: to
Ten Largest Earthquakes Around the World
8.1 Earthquake in the Ballery Islands.
This 8.1 Earthquake was big and powerful. Like other 8.0s they do make biuldings collapse and homes fall but in this Earthquake no one died. -
7.7 Earthquake in Taiwan.
On September 20, 2003 a 7.7 Earthquake hit Taiwan. They had 2,000 casualities and many more problems. -
9.1 Earthquake off of the Nothern Part of Sumatra
This major Earthquake was off of The West Coast of Sumatra. Most of the houses in this pictureare fine but later in the tragedey all of these houses are demolished. -
8.0 Eart5hquke in Centeral Peru.
In 2007 there was a 8.0 Earthquake in Centeral peru. 514 People died with an enormous emount of damage to houses. -
8.5 Earthquake in Southern Sumatra.
This earthquake struck hard in Sumatra buct luckily only twentyfive people died. -
7.9 Earthquake in Eatern Sichuan, China.
This Earthquake was a very devistating Earthquakes. More than 85,000 People died in the Earthquake with a huge amount of damage. -
7.0 Earthquake in Haiti
Even though the 7.0 is smaller than the other Earthquakes it killed over 300,000 people. There was the so amny of the house torn down or even in rubble. -
2011 9.0 Earthquake in Honshu, Japan
In 2011 there was a monster 9.0 earthquake in Honshu, Japan. 20896 people died in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was tremendous amount of damage that would later bhurt their country.